Scenario editing and creation is one place that BRTC1861 can shine, IMHO. The Designers at Mad Minute Games encourage modders to go out and create new scenarios for First Bull Run, and they also would like to see user-created scenarios for Second Bull Run, and they made sure the maps stretched over to the northwest to cover the area of the second battle. I plan on creating several Second Bull Run scenarios myself once a good Order of Battle is produced, and I know for a fact that one person is already working on that as I type this. 6th Vermont wrote up an excellent Scenario Building Tutorial at the Mad Minute Games web site. In it, he tells you the basics of scenario creation. I definitely recommend this as an easy way to get started. In fact, the first scenario offered here for download is a scenario by game designer Adam Bryant along with Jim Weaver about a what-if fight involving Burnside staying closer to Bull Run as he initially attacked. Scenario files (.mmg files) can be downloaded into the Scenarios folder of your game and can be played by going to the Custom Scenarios area of the game.
New Files Coming Soon!
Old Files Prior to February 1, 2007
Scenario Builder Tools
File Name
Files Present
File Size
Run Scenario Editor v1.4.1b Beta version: Help Test!! |
1.60 MB
6 others
Mad Minute Games
532 KB
128 others
1.58 MB
4 others
The Harper’s Ferry
Arsenal (Wrangler, Mike Peyrot, Magruder, and Brett Schulte) |
3.74 KB
TC1861 Scenario Tool Kit (beta v1.03)_6FEB05.xls
Unit Placement Tool v1.03.ppt
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