Louie Raider’s Antietam Maps

NOTE: For help with this mod, refer to the proper MMG forum thread.

Mod Name: Antietam Maps

Last Updated: Added May 24, 2008

Author: Louie Raider

Files to Download:

  1. Antietam1.zip (this is the northern half of the battlefield)
  2. Antietam2.zip (this is the southern half of the battlefield)

Readme File:

Northern ANTIETAM Map, 9/17/62 – antietam_1

Version 1.1, Updated 3/1/07


UPDATES TO antietam_1:
– lightened ground color*
– resized Dunker Church
– fixed issues with paths*
– decreased corn sprite density*
– removed rocky outcroppings, replaced with rocky terrain*
– modified movement data around Antietam Creek to force troops to better utilize proper road crossings*
– added woods in N – NE portion of map

*also applied to antietam_2 map


This map endeavors to mimic the terrain and features of the area directly to the north of Sharpsburg, MD.

NOTE: every instance i refer to the folder “TC2M” it means wherever you have placed the game folder for Take Command – 2nd Manassas. It probably will not be named “TC2M”, rather something more like “C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Take Command – 2nd Manassas”.

1. UnZip/extract the folders to your hard drive somewhere

2. move the following files to your TC2M/Maps folder structure:
– Maps/antietam_1.lsl
– Maps/antietam_1.tga
– Maps/antietam_1_MM.dds
– Maps/antietam_1.csv

3. move the following file to your TC2M/Graphics/Terrain folder structure:
– Graphics/Terrain/corn_1.dds

(***NOTE: this is the exact same file as in the antietam_2 map pack, so you only have to move this file once. Also, the wheat2.dds applies to Davinci’s Gettysburg mod, we include it for ease in its installation but it has no impact on these maps)

if you do not have the folder structures listed above in Steps 2 and 3, you will need to create it in order for the game to see the files. For those who don’t have this folder structure, I’ve kept the files inside the folders they belong in so it’s easy just to move the whole folder to the TC2M game folder.

4. you will need to add the instance of the corn sprite to 2 data files: the textures.csv and the sprites.csv. These files are usually located in the TC2M/Data Files folder.

***IMPORTANT: IF you already have existing textures.csv and sprites.csv files within the TC2M/Data Files folder structure, this means you’ve already modified the original game with other graphics or other enhancements, and it’s very possible you WILL overwrite any pre-existing modifications if you just copy over your .csv files! In order to preserve previous modifications, you NEED to add the following lines to the files:

TC2M/Data Files/TEXTURES.CSV (under the listing TERRAIN STUFF, add this line:)

TC2M/Data Files/SPRITES.CSV (at the end of the file):

If you have not modified the original game yet, you probably do not have this folder structure, and you can simply move the .csv files AND the Data Files folder included with this package to the structure within the TC2M folder, and you’re set.

(***NOTE: this data is also used in the antietam_2 map pack, so you only have to write this data once.)


As there have been no scenarios written for this battle yet, you can enjoy this map in Open Battle mode only. Hopefully someone can come up with some scenarios / OOBs soon!

These maps, and the learning curve behind it, are dedicated to Adam of the TC2M team.
Keep up the good fight, sir.

Louie Raider
COMMENTS/CORRECTIONS: email j-zero-k-e-r (j0ker) at ctc dot net


Southern ANTIETAM Map, 9/17/62 – antietam_2

Version 1.0, Updated 3/1/07


This map endeavors to mimic the terrain and features of the area directly to the north of Sharpsburg, MD.

NOTE: every instance i refer to the folder “TC2M” it means wherever you have placed the game folder for Take Command – 2nd Manassas. It probably will not be named “TC2M”, rather something more like “C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Take Command – 2nd Manassas”.

1. UnZip/extract the folders to your hard drive somewhere

2. move the following files to your TC2M/Maps folder structure:

– Maps/antietam_2.lsl
– Maps/antietam_2.tga
– Maps/antietam_2_MM.dds
– Maps/antietam_2.csv

3. move the following file to your TC2M/Graphics/Terrain folder structure:
– Graphics/Terrain/corn_1.dds

(***NOTE: this is the exact same file as in the antietam_1 map pack, so you only have to move this file once. Also, the wheat2.dds applies to Davinci’s Gettysburg mod, we include it for ease in its installation but it has no impact on these maps)

if you do not have the folder structures listed above in Steps 2 and 3, you will need to create it in order for the game to see the files. For those who don’t have this folder structure, I’ve kept the files inside the folders they belong in so it’s easy just to move the whole folder to the TC2M game folder.

4. you will need to add the instance of the corn sprite to 2 data files: the textures.csv and the sprites.csv. These files are usually located in the TC2M/Data Files folder.

***IMPORTANT: IF you already have existing textures.csv and sprites.csv files within the TC2M/Data Files folder structure, this means you’ve already modified the original game with other graphics or other enhancements, and it’s very possible you WILL overwrite any pre-existing modifications if you just copy over your .csv files! In order to preserve previous modifications, you NEED to add the following lines to the files:

TC2M/Data Files/TEXTURES.CSV (under the listing TERRAIN STUFF, add this line:)

TC2M/Data Files/SPRITES.CSV (at the end of the file):

If you have not modified the original game yet, you probably do not have this folder structure, and you can simply move the .csv files AND the Data Files folder included with this package to the structure within the TC2M folder, and you’re set.

(***NOTE: this data is also used in the antietam_1 map pack, so you only have to write this data once.)


As there have been no scenarios written for this battle yet, you can enjoy this map in Open Battle mode only. Hopefully someone can come up with some scenarios / OOBs soon!

These maps, and the learning curve behind it, are dedicated to Adam of the TC2M team.
Keep up the good fight, sir.

Louie Raider
COMMENTS/CORRECTIONS: email j-zero-k-e-r (j0ker) at ctc dot net


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