New Files
Old Files Prior to February 1, 2007
File Name
Files Present
File Size
8.47 MB
5 map files
7.05 MB
5 maps file
7.77 MB
5 map files
New Files
Old Files Prior to February 1, 2007
File Name
Files Present
File Size
8.47 MB
5 map files
7.05 MB
5 maps file
7.77 MB
5 map files
New site looks great. Small suggestion regarding mods, etc. would it be too difficult to have dates they were made available? I simply cannot remember which ones I have when I look up possible new entries. Thanks for the new site.
Thanks! I wanted to include dates, but the old style tables I used way back when are too wide to fit in my new format. I may slowly go back over these and add dates. Initially, my plan was to offer these older (pre-February 2007) files as-is and concentrate on adding new files.
I’m in the same wagon train as rvc with regards to possible release dates. Someday when I have time (i.e. Not on MMG forums or playing the game) I’m gonna try to write down what I’ve got so I can tell whether or not to dl a mod. Till then, oh well! Good site idea by the way!
Anyone still play this? I’m needing help with a couple of mod files but the main forum is down. Thanks!
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