Tag: u.s. sharpshooters berdan’s civil war elite
Berdan’s Civil War Elite — Conclusion
Hiram Berdan left on a more or less unauthorized leave after Gettysburg and never returned to the army. He eventually resigned, leaving the 1st U.S.S.S. under the command of his long-suffering subordinate, Lt. Col. Caspar Trepp. Though the Swiss-born Trepp was a fine soldier, he lasted only until late November 1863 before falling victim to […]
Roy Marcot on Berdan’s Sharpshooters
I’ve bought a number of books lately on the Late Unpleasantness and will posting reviews as time permits. Speaking of which I should have a bit more now that my house is more or less completed (still working on the landscaping) and I have finished the awards process for a non-profit on whose board I […]