TOCWOC Civil War Book Reviews
TOCWOC Book Review Policy
List of Civil War Book Reviews
This page allows you to browse through all Civil War book reviews which have been published at TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog. Many of the books reviewed here are also listed in Brett’s Civil War books collection. Although most of the Civil War book reviews here were written by TOCWOC founder Brett Schulte, quite a few have been written by other TOCWOC contributors as well. Most of these Civil War book reviews contain a link to and a link back to the Civil War book’s page at the publisher.
- 42nd Virginia Infantry by John Chapla
- Guide to Missouri Confederate Units vs. Sifakis’ Compendium (Missouri et al)
- The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce: A New Friday Feature
- Little Phil: A Reassessment of the Civil War Leadership of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan
- A Critical Review of Osprey Publishing’s “Shenandoah Valley 1862”
- A Look at The View From The Ground, Part 1
- Amazon Changes That Impact All of Us
- April 2008 Book Notes
- April 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- April 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- April 2013 Civil War Book Notes
- August 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- August 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- August 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- Berdan’s Civil War Elite — Conclusion
- Best Books on the Civil War Battle of Fredericksburg: December 13, 1862
- Bilby’s Small Arms at Gettysburg Review
- Blue & Gray, Spring 2006
- Book Review- “A Legacy in Brick and Stone” – The American Coastal Defense Forts of the Third System 1816-1867 by John R. Weaver II- Part I
- Book Review- “A Legacy in Brick and Stone” – The American Coastal Defense Forts of the Third System 1816-1867 by John R. Weaver II- Part II
- Book Review-Nonfiction
- Book Review: Civil War Talks: Further Reminiscences of George S. Bernard & His Fellow Veterans
- Book Review: Stonewall Jackson’s Romney Campaign by Thomas M. Rankin
- Book Review: The Diary of Cyrus Comstock
- Brett’s American Civil War Book Reviews Page Updated
- Bruce Levine – Confederate Emancipation
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: December 2012, Part 2
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: December 2012, Part 3
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: February 2012, Part 1
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: January 2013, Part 1
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: January 2013, Part 2
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: January 2013, Part 3
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: March 2012, Part 1
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: March 2012, Part 2
- Civil War Book Acquisitions: March 2012, Part 3
- Civil War Book Preview: The Petersburg Campaign Volume II: The Western Front Battles
- Civil War Book Preview: Ed Bearss’ The Petersburg Campaign, Vol. 1: The Eastern Front Battles, June – August 1864
- Civil War Book Review – Corinth 1862: Siege, Battle, Occupation by Timothy B. Smith
- Civil War Book Review: The Last Battle of Winchester: Phil Sheridan, Jubal Early, and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, August 7–September 19, 1864
- Civil War Book Review: The Civil War in the West: Victory and Defeat from the Appalachians to the Mississippi
- Civil War Book Review: A Campaign of Giants: The Battle for Petersburg, Volume 1: From the Crossing of the James to the Crater by A. Wilson Greene
- Civil War Book Review: A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: A Glorious Army: Robert E. Lee’s Triumph, 1862-1863
- Civil War Book Review: A History of the 15th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment: 1861-1865
- Civil War Book Review: A History of the 3rd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Battalion (James Battalion): 1861-1865
- Civil War Book Review: A Little Short of Boats: The Civil War Battles of Ball’s Bluff and Edwards Ferry, October 21 – 22, 1861
- Civil War Book Review: A Melancholy Affair at the Weldon Railroad: The Vermont Brigade, June 23, 1864
- Civil War Book Review: A Rainbow of Blood: The Union in Peril An Alternate History
- Civil War Book Review: A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: A Vast and Fiendish Plot: The Confederate Attack on New York City
- Civil War Book Review: A World on Fire: Britain’s Crucial Role in the American Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Abraham Lincoln, Esq.: The Legal Career of America’s Greatest President
- Civil War Book Review: Allegany to Appomattox: The Life and Letters of Private William Whitlock of the 188th New York Volunteers
- Civil War Book Review: American Civil War Railroad Tactics (Elite 171)
- Civil War Book Review: Barksdale’s Charge: The True High Tide of the Confederacy at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
- Civil War Book Review: Birch Coulie: The Epic Battle of the Dakota War
- Civil War Book Review: Bloody Autumn: The Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864
- Civil War Book Review: Border War: Fighting Over Slavery Before the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Bushwhacking on a Grand Scale: The Battle of Chickamauga, September 18-20, 1863
- Civil War Book Review: Challenges of Command in the Civil War, Volume 1: Generals and Generalship
- Civil War Book Review: Civil War Voices from York County, Pa.: Remembering the Rebellion and the Gettysburg Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Cold Harbor to the Crater: The End of the Overland Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Colonels in Blue: Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee
- Civil War Book Review: Combat 2: Union Infantrymen Versus Confederate Infantrymen: Eastern Theater 1861-65
- Civil War Book Review: Commanding Lincoln’s Navy: Union Naval Leadership During the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: CONFEDERATE GENERAL WILLIAM “EXTRA BILLY” SMITH: From Virginia’s Statehouse to Gettysburg Scapegoat
- Civil War Book Review: Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Intellectual Independence in the Civil War South
- Civil War Book Review: Corinth 1862: Siege, Battle, Occupation
- Civil War Book Review: Covered with Glory: The 26th North Carolina Infantry at the Battle of Gettysburg
- Civil War Book Review: Creating a Confederate Kentucky
- Civil War Book Review: DAKOTA DAWN: The Decisive First Week of the Sioux Uprising, August 1862
- Civil War Book Review: Dawn of Victory: Breakthrough at Petersburg, March 25-April 2, 1865
- Civil War Book Review: Dear Friend Amelia: The Civil War Letters of Private John Tidd
- Civil War Book Review: Defeating Lee: A History of the Second Corps, Army of the Potomac
- Civil War Book Review: DIVIDED LOYALTIES: Kentucky’s Struggle for Armed Neutrality in the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Failure in the Saddle: Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joe Wheeler, and the Confederate Cavalry in the Chickamauga Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Federal Laws of the Reconstruction
- Civil War Book Review: Fields of Blood: The Prairie Grove Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Fighting for Atlanta: Tactics, Terrain, and Trenches in the Civil War by Earl Hess
- Civil War Book Review: Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Gordon Expedition, June 1863
- Civil War Book Review: Fort Harrison and the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm
- Civil War Book Review: Fury on the Bliss Farm at Gettysburg
- Civil War Book Review: General Jo Shelby’s March
- Civil War Book Review: Giant in the Shadows: The Life of Robert T. Lincoln
- Civil War Book Review: God’s Almost Chosen Peoples: A Religious History of the American Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Grant’s Final Victory: Ulysses S. Grant’s Heroic Last Year
- Civil War Book Review: Greyhound Commander: Confederate General John G. Walker’s History of the Civil War West of the Mississippi
- Civil War Book Review: Guide to the Richmond-Petersburg Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Harvest of Barren Regrets: The Army Career of Frederick William Benteen, 1834-1898
- Civil War Book Review: Human Interest Stories of the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Into the Crater: The Mine Attack at Petersburg
- Civil War Book Review: Invaders in Our Town: The Battle of Gettysburg Through the Eyes of Some Who Lived It
- Civil War Book Review: John Bell Hood: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Confederate General
- Civil War Book Review: Kennesaw Mountain: Sherman, Johnston, and the Atlanta Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Kennesaw Mountain: Sherman, Johnston, and the Atlanta Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever
- Civil War Book Review: Learning from the Wounded
- Civil War Book Review: Lee and His Generals: Essays in Honor of T. Harry Williams
- Civil War Book Review: Lee’s Army during the Overland Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: Letters Home to Sarah: The Civil War Letters of Guy C. Taylor, Thirty-Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers
- Civil War Book Review: Like a Meteor Blazing Brightly: The Short But Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren
- Civil War Book Review: Lincoln and McClellan: The Troubled Partnership between a President and His General
- Civil War Book Review: Lincoln Takes Command: The Campaign to Seize Norfolk and the Destruction of the CSS Virginia by Steve Norder
- Civil War Book Review: Lincoln’s Generals
- Civil War Book Review: Love and War: The Civil War Letters and Medicinal Book of Augustus V. Ball
- Civil War Book Review: Moments of Despair: Suicide, Divorce, and Debt in Civil War Era North Carolina
- Civil War Book Review: Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Redemption
- Civil War Book Review: No Freedom Shrieker: The Civil War Letters of Union Soldier Charles Biddlecom
- Civil War Book Review: Of Duty Well and Faithfully Done: A History of the Regular Army in the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: One of Morgan’s Men: Memoirs of Lieutenant John M. Porter of the Ninth Kentucky Cavalry
- Civil War Book Review: Over a Wide, Hot…Crimson Plain: The Struggle for the Bliss Farm at Gettysburg, July 2nd and 3rd, 1863
- Civil War Book Review: Patriotism Limited, 1862-1865: The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System
- Civil War Book Review: Petersburg to Appomattox: The End of the War in Virginia edited by Caroline E. Janney
- Civil War Book Review: Protecting the Flank at Gettysburg: The Battles for Brinkerhoff’s Ridge and East Cavalry Field, July 2 -3, 1863
- Civil War Book Review: Punitive War: Confederate Guerrillas and Union Reprisals
- Civil War Book Review: Railroads of the Civil War: An Illustrated History
- Civil War Book Review: Rashness of That Hour
- Civil War Book Review: Reconstructing Appalachia: The Civil War’s Aftermath
- Civil War Book Review: Reluctant Rebels: The Confederates Who Joined the Army after 1861
- Civil War Book Review: Remembering The Battle of the Crater: War as Murder
- Civil War Book Review: Richmond Must Fall: The Richmond-Petersburg Campaign, October 1864
- Civil War Book Review: Searching for George Gordon Meade
- Civil War Book Review: Second Manassas: Longstreet’s Attack and the Struggle for Chinn Ridge
- Civil War Book Review: Shadow of Shiloh: Major General Lew Wallace in the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Shifting Loyalties: The Union Occupation of Eastern North Carolina
- Civil War Book Review: SIMPLY MURDER: The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862
- Civil War Book Review: Simply Murder: The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862
- Civil War Book Review: Sing Not War: The Lives of Union and Confederate Veterans in Gilded Age America
- Civil War Book Review: Sister States, Enemy States: The Civil War in Kentucky and Tennessee
- Civil War Book Review: Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861
- Civil War Book Review: Soldiering in the Army of Northern Virginia: A Statistical Portrait of the Troops Who Served under Robert E. Lee
- Civil War Book Review: Stoneman’s Raid, 1865
- Civil War Book Review: STRANGLING THE CONFEDERACY: Coastal Operations in the American Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: The Army of the Cumberland: Organization, Strength, Casualties, 1862-1865 by Darrell Collins
- Civil War Book Review: The Army of the Potomac: Order of Battle, 1861-1865
- Civil War Book Review: The Artillery Service in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of Allatoona Pass: Skirmish in Bartow County, Georgia
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of Brandy Station (VA): North America’s Largest Cavalry Battle
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of Carthage, Missouri: First Trans-Mississippi Conflict of the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of First Bull Run: An Illustrated Atlas and Battlefield Guide
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of First Deep Bottom
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of New Market Heights: Freedom Will Be Theirs by the Sword
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of Pickett’s Mill: Along the Dead-Line
- Civil War Book Review: The Battle of the Crater: A Novel
- Civil War Book Review: The Battles of New Hope Church
- Civil War Book Review: The Battles of New Hope Church
- Civil War Book Review: The Bravest of the Brave: The Correspondence of Stephen Dodson Ramseur
- Civil War Book Review: The Chickamauga Campaign (Civil War Campaigns in the Heartland)
- Civil War Book Review: The Confederate Alamo: Bloodbath at Petersburg’s Fort Gregg on April 2, 1865
- Civil War Book Review: The Day Dixie Died: The Battle of Atlanta
- Civil War Book Review: The Day Dixie Died: The Battle of Atlanta
- Civil War Book Review: The Fate of War: Fredericksburg, 1862
- Civil War Book Review: The Fifth New York Cavalry in the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: The Gettysburg Campaign in Numbers and Losses: Synopses, Orders of Battle, Strengths, Casualties, and Maps, June 9 – July 14, 1863
- Civil War Book Review: The Gettysburg Campaign in Numbers and Losses
- Civil War Book Review: The Grand Design: Strategy and the U.S. Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26 – December 2, 1863 by Chris Mackowski
- Civil War Book Review: The Great Task Remaining: The Third Year of Lincoln’s War
- Civil War Book Review: The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln
- Civil War Book Review: THE IRON BRIGADE IN CIVIL WAR AND MEMORY: The Black Hats from Bull Run to Appomattox and Thereafter
- Civil War Book Review: The Knoxville Campaign: Burnside and Longstreet in East Tennessee
- Civil War Book Review: The Knoxville Campaign: Burnside and Longstreet in East Tennessee
- Civil War Book Review: The Last Battle of Winchester: Phil Sheridan, Jubal Early, and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign
- Civil War Book Review: The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson
- Civil War Book Review: The Lost Papers of Confederate General John Bell Hood by Stephen Hood
- Civil War Book Review: The Maps of Antietam
- Civil War Book Review: The Maps of Antietam by Brad Gottfried
- Civil War Book Review: THE MAPS OF GETTYSBURG: An Atlas of the Gettysburg Campaign, June 3 – July 13, 1863 (FULL COLOR)
- Civil War Book Review: THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN OF SEPTEMBER 1862: Volume II, Antietam
- Civil War Book Review: The New Gettysburg Campaign Handbook
- Civil War Book Review: The New York Times The Complete Civil War 1861-1865
- Civil War Book Review: The Peninsula Campaign and the Necessity of Emancipation
- Civil War Book Review: The Petersburg Campaign Volume 2: The Western Front Battles September 1864-April 1865
- Civil War Book Review: The Real Horse Soldiers: Benjamin Grierson’s Epic 1863 Civil War Raid Through Mississippi by Timothy B. Smith
- Civil War Book Review: The Revolution of 1861: The American Civil War in the Age of Nationalist Conflict
- Civil War Book Review: The Rifle Musket in Civil War Combat: Reality and Myth
- Civil War Book Review: The Road to Atlanta: Regimental Wargame Scenarios for the Atlanta Campaign May-June 1864
- Civil War Book Review: The Siege of Petersburg: The Battles for the Weldon Railroad, August 1864 by John Horn
- Civil War Book Review: The Soul of a Soldier
- Civil War Book Review: The Vermont Brigade in the Seven Days by Paul G. Zeller
- Civil War Book Review: The Won Cause: Black and White Comradeship in the Grand Army of the Republic
- Civil War Book Review: This Great Struggle: America’s Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Thunder Across the Swamp: The Fight for the Lower Mississippi, February-May 1863
- Civil War Book Review: Twenty-five Hours to Tragedy: The Battle of Spring Hill by Jamie Gillum
- Civil War Book Review: UNHOLY SABBATH: The Battle of South Mountain in History and Memory, September 14, 1862
- Civil War Book Review: Unholy Sabbath: The Battle of South Mountain in History and Memory
- Civil War Book Review: Victors in Blue: How Union Generals Fought the Confederates, Battled Each Other, and Won the Civil War
- Civil War Book Review: Virginia at War, 1861
- Civil War Book Review: War on the Waters: The Union and Confederate Navies, 1861-1865
- Civil War Book Review: Where The South Lost The War: An Analysis of the Fort Henry-Fort Donelson Campaign, February 1862
- Civil War Book Review: Yankee Dutchmen Under Fire
- Civil War Book Review: “The Devil’s to Pay”: John Buford at Gettysburg
- Civil War Book Review: Blood on the Bayou: Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and the Trans-Mississippi by Donald S. Frazier
- Civil War Book Review: Grant Me Timely Grace
- Civil War Book Review: The Rashness of That Hour by Robert Wynstra
- Civil War Book Reviews: The Tattered Glory Series
- Civil War Fiction: Worth Reading?
- Civil War Magazine Review: Civil War Navy: The Magazine
- December 2009 Civil War Book Notes
- December 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- December 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- December 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- Doris Kearns Goodwin – Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
- Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 1
- Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 2
- Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 3
- Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 4
- Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 5
- February 2009 Civil War Book Notes
- February 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- February 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- February 2013 Civil War Book Notes
- Fiction Review- Journey to Honor by James C. Buck
- Fiction Review: The Shenandoah Spy
- Fiction Review:The Wake of the Woonsocket by Les Eldridge
- First reactions to “The Chattanooga Campaign”
- Glad to be on board
- How To Read Three Gettysburg Books At Once
- January 2009 Book Notes
- January 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- January 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- January 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- January 2013 Civil War Book Notes
- Joseph R. Reinhart Responds to Chancellorsville and the Germans Review
- July 2008 Book Notes
- July 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- July 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- July 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- June 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- June 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- June 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- June 2013 Civil War Book Notes
- March 2009 Civil War Book Notes
- March 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- March 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- March 2013 Civil War Book Notes
- Martin Pegler Books
- May 2008 Book Notes
- May 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- May 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- May 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- May 2013 Civil War Book Notes
- McFarland Book of the Week: Civil War Hospital Newspapers: Histories and Excerpts of Nine Union Publications
- McFarland Book of the Week: Joseph Brown and His Civil War Ironclads: The USS Chillicothe, Indianola, and Tuscumbia
- McFarland Book of the Week: The Union Cavalry and the Chickamauga Campaign
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: A Northern Confederate at Johnson’s Island Prison
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: Colonels in Blue: Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: Confederate Torpedoes: Two Illustrated 19th Century Works with New Appendices and Photographs
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: Tennessee in the Civil War: Selected Contemporary Accounts of Military and Other Events, Month by Month
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: The Causes of the Civil War: The Political, Cultural, Economic and Territorial Dispute Between North and South
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: Union Casualties at Gettysburg: A Comprehensive Record
- McFarland Civil War Book of the Week: William Henry Seward and the Secession Crisis: The Effort to Prevent Civil War
- Michael Kauffman – American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies
- New Civil War Book: One Continuous Fight in Paperback
- November 2009 Civil War Book Notes
- November 2010 Civil War Book Notes
- November 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- November 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- October 2008 Book Notes
- October 2009 Civil War Book Notes
- October 2011 Civil War Book Notes
- October 2012 Civil War Book Notes
- Praise for Thunder
- Review In Brief: “Among the Best Men the South Could Boast”: The Fall of Fort McAllister December 13, 1864
- Review In Brief: “Happiness Is Not My Companion”: The Life of G. K. Warren by David M. Jordan
- Review in Brief: Disaster in the West Woods by Marion Armstrong
- Review in Brief: Field Armies and Fortifications in the Civil War by Earl J. Hess
- Review in Brief: Melting Pot Soldiers by William L. Burton
- Review In Brief: The Battle of Hanover Court House by Michael C. Hardy
- Review In Brief: Two Great Rebel Armies: An Essay in Confederate Military History by Richard McMurry
- Review In Brief: Back Door to Richmond: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, April-June 1864
- Review in Brief: Cannoneers In Gray
- Review In Brief: Fiction As Fact: The Horse Soldiers & Popular Memory
- Review In Brief: Gate of Hell: Campaign for Charleston Harbor, 1863
- Review In Brief: Grant’s Canal: The Union’s Attempt to Bypass Vicksburg
- Review In Brief: History and Tour Guide of Five Forks, Hatcher’s Run and Namozine Church
- Review in Brief: Human Interest Stories from Antietam by Scott Mingus
- Review in Brief: Island No. Ten: Struggle For The Mississippi Valley
- Review In Brief: Lee’s Last Retreat: The Flight to Appomattox
- Review In Brief: Mother, May You Never See The Sights I Have Seen
- Review In Brief: The Battle of McDowell: March 11-May 18, 1862
- Review In Brief: The Battles of Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court House, April 8-9, 1865
- Review In Brief: The First Battle of Winchester: May 25, 1862
- Review In Brief: The Port Hudson Campaign, 1862-1863
- Review In Brief: The Union Cavalry Comes of Age: Hartwood Church to Brandy Station, 1863
- Review In Brief: Thirty-Six Hours Before Appomattox, April 6 And 7, 1865
- Review In Brief: To The Sea: A History and Tour Guide of Sherman’s March
- Review In Brief: Mine Run: A Campaign of Lost Opportunities
- Review: “What this Cruel War was Over”
- Review: 1858: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and the War They Failed to See by Bruce Chadwick
- Review: Armchair Reader Civil War: Untold Tales of the Blue and the Gray
- Review: Army of the Potomac, Vol. 3 by Russel H. Beatie
- Review: Caution and Cooperation: The American Civil War in British-American Relations
- Review: Chancellorsville and the Germans by Christian B. Keller
- Review: Crossroads of the Conflict: Defining Hours for the Blue and Gray: A Guide to the Monuments of Gettysburg
- Review: Embattled Arkansas by Michael Banasik
- Review: Guide to the Atlanta Campaign: Rocky Face Ridge to Kennesaw Mountain
- Review: He Hath Loosed the Fateful Lightning by Paul Taylor
- Review: Secessionville: Assault on Charleston by Patrick Brennan
- Review: The 11th Wisconsin in the Civil War: A Regimental History by Christopher C. Wehner
- Review: The Battle of Shiloh and the Organizations Engaged by D.W. Reed
- Review: The London Confederates
- Review: Three Days in the Shenandoah by Gary Ecelbarger
- Review: Unfurl Those Colors!: McClellan, Sumner, & the Second Army Corps in the Antietam Campaign
- Review: Yankee Autumn in Acadiana by David C. Edmonds
- Review: A Crisis In Confederate Command: Edmund Kirby Smith, Richard Taylor, And The Army Of The Trans-Mississippi
- Review: A Dangerous Stir: Fear, Paranoia, and the Making of Reconstruction
- Review: A History of the 3rd South Carolina Regiment: Lee’s Reliables
- Review: A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War
- Review: A Vermont Cavalryman in War & Love: The Civil War Letters of Brevet Major General William Wells and Anna Richardson
- Review: Andersonvilles of the North: The Myths and Realities of Northern Treatment of Civil War Confederate Prisoners
- Review: Antietam, South Mountain, and Harpers Ferry: A Battlefield Guide
- Review: Army of the Potomac, Volume II: McClellan Takes Command, September 1861-February 1862
- Review: Army of the Potomac, Volume III: McClellan’s First Campaign, March – May 1862
- Review: Ball’s Bluff: A Small Battle and Its Long Shadow by Byron Farwell
- Review: Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads and the Civil War’s Last Campaign
- Review: Bleeding Kansas: Contested Liberty in the Civil War Era
- Review: Blue and Gray Diplomacy: A History of Union and Confederate Foreign Relations
- Review: By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876
- Review: Calculating the Value of the Union
- Review: Cavalry of the Heartland: The Mounted Forces of the Army of Tennessee
- Review: Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg
- Review: Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg
- Review: Chicago’s Irish Legion: The 90th Illinois Volunteers in the Civil War
- Review: Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery
- Review: Confederate Tide Rising
- Review: Copperheads: The Rise and Fall of Lincoln’s Opponents in the North
- Review: Crisis of Command in the Army of the Potomac
- Review: Dixie Betrayed: How the South Really Lost the Civil War
- Review: Entrepot: Government Imports into the Confederate States
- Review: Fire in the Cane Field – The Federal Invasion of Louisiana and Texas January 1861-January 1863
- Review: Fire in the Cane Field: The Federal Invasion of Louisiana and Texas, January 1861-January 1863
- Review: Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Gordon Expedition, June 1863
- Review: For Cause & for Country: A Study of the Affair At Spring Hill & the Battle of Franklin
- Review: Germans in the Civil War: The Letters They Wrote Home
- Review: Gettysburg’s Forgotten Cavalry Actions by Eric Wittenberg
- Review: Grant’s Lieutenants: From Cairo to Vicksburg
- Review: Grant’s Lieutenants: From Chattanooga to Appomattox
- Review: Gray Ghost: The Life of Col. John Singleton Mosby
- Review: Hampton Legion Infantry C.S.A. by O. Lee Sturkey
- Review: Identification Discs of Union Soldiers in the Civil War: A Complete Classification Guide and Illustrated History
- Review: Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln’s Legacy
- Review: In the Trenches at Petersburg: Field Fortifications and Confederate Defeat
- Review: Jubal Early’s Raid on Washington
- Review: Like a Meteor Blazing Brightly: The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren
- Review: Lincoln and His Admirals
- Review: Lincoln’s Labels: America’s Best-Known Brands and the Civil War
- Review: Lincoln’s Political Generals
- Review: Long, Obstinate, and Bloody: The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
- Review: Loyal Hearts: Histories of American Civil War Canines
- Review: Major General Robert E. Rodes of the Army of Northern Virginia: A Biography
- Review: Master of War: The Life of General George H. Thomas by Benson Bobrick
- Review: No Prouder Fate: The Story of the 11th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry
- Review: One Continuous Fight: The Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, July 4-14, 1863
- Review: Over Lincoln’s Shoulder
- Review: Passion and Principle: John and Jessie Fremont, the Couple Whose Power, Politics, and Love Shaped Nineteenth-Century America
- Review: Patriotic Treason: John Brown and the Soul of America
- Review: Petersburg 1864-65: The longest siege
- Review: Punitive War: Confederate Guerrillas and Union Reprisals
- Review: Pursuit: The Chase, Capture, Persecution & Surprising Release of Jefferson Davis
- Review: Rebels At The Gate
- Review: Robert E. Lee: Lessons in Leadership (Great Generals)
- Review: Roll Call to Destiny: The Soldier’s Eye View of Civil War Battles
- Review: Seeding Civil War: Kansas in the National News, 1854-1858
- Review: Shenandoah 1862: Stonewall Jackson’s Valley Campaign
- Review: Shepherdstown: Last Clash of the Antietam Campaign, September 19-20, 1862
- Review: Sherman’s Horsemen: Union Cavalry Operations In The Atlanta Campaign
- Review: Sherman’s March in Myth and Memory (The American Crisis Series)
- Review: Shock Troops of the Confederacy by Fred Ray
- Review: Sickles at Gettysburg: The Controversial Civil War General Who Committed Murder, Abandoned Little Round Top, and Declared Himself the Hero of Gettysburg
- Review: So You Think You Know Gettysburg? The Stories behind the Monuments and the Men Who Fought One of America’s Most Epic Battles
- Review: Southern Storm: Sherman’s March to the Sea
- Review: Stonewall of the West: Patrick Cleburne and the Civil War
- Review: Struggle for the Shenandoah: Essays on the 1864 Valley Campaign, ed. by Gary Gallagher
- Review: Such Hard and Severe Service: The 85th Pennsylvania in the Civil War, Volume II, 1864-1865 by Dan Clendaniel
- Review: Tempest At Ox Hill: The Battle of Chantilly
- Review: The 13th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry C.S.A. by Mike Wadsworth
- Review: The 14th South Carolina by Robert K. Krick
- Review: The Army of Tennessee by Thomas L. Connelly
- Review: The Better Angels of Our Nature: Freemasonry in the American Civil War
- Review: The Complete Gettysburg Guide by J. David Petruzzi
- Review: The Confederacy’s Secret Weapon: The Civil War Illustrations of Frank Vizetelly
- Review: The Fredericksburg Campaign: Decision on the Rappahannock
- Review: The General and Monaville, Texas
- Review: The H.L. Hunley: The Secret Hope of the Confederacy
- Review: The Last Confederate General: John C. Vaughn and the East Tennessee Cavalry
- Review: The Last Lincolns: The Rise & Fall of a Great American Family
- Review: The Long Shadow of the Civil War: Southern Dissent and Its Legacies
- Review: THE MAPS OF CHICKAMAUGA: An Atlas of the Chickamauga Campaign, Including the Tullahoma Operations, June 22 – September 23, 1863
- Review: The Maps of First Bull Run: An Atlas of the First Bull Run (Manassas) Campaign, including the Battle of Ball’s Bluff, June-October 1861
- Review: The Maps of First Bull Run by Bradley Gottfried
- Review: The New Civil War Handbook: Facts and Photos for Readers of All Ages
- Review: The New Civil War Handbook
- Review: The Rifle Musket in Civil War Combat: Reality and Myth
- Review: The Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862
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