Category: Civil War Wargames
Campaign Antietam Screen Shots: South Mountain
Now that I’ve had HPS‘ newly released Campaign Antietam for over a week, I wanted to post some screenshots of the various battlefields covered in the game over the course of a few posts. Despite being given the name “Campaign Antietam”, the game actually covers quite a few more battlefields, including First Bull Run (including […]
TOCWOC’s After Action Report Contest for Civil War War Games, March-April 2008
As promised, TOCWOC will be holding an After Action Report Contest for Civil War wargamers. The winner will receive a FREE copy of HPS Simulations’ Campaign Chickamauga. Details are on the dedicated contest web page!
FREE Copy of HPS Campaign Chickamauga Available Soon
I will soon be announcing a contest asking for the best After Action Reports you can create for any Civil War wargames you own. You may submit as many After Action Reports as you wish for a single game or multiple games. The winner will receive a free copy of Campaign Chickamauga from HPS Simulations. […]
Designer Notes for HPS’ Campaign Antietam
Hat tip to Rich Hamilton at his Gamesquad HPS Simulations blog for posting the Designer Notes for Campaign Antietam and another hat tip to Eddy Sterckx for pointing me in that direction. For those wondering what these games are all about, I have also posted the notes here. For those of you who do not […]
Discussion of HPS’ Campaign Antietam at the Mason-Dixon Tavern
There is currently a nice discussion ongoing about HPS Simulations‘ new Civil War Battles game Campaign Antietam at the Mason-Dixon Tavern message board. The board is the official forum of the American Civil War Game Club, a group of wargamers who play all of the HPS Civil War games as well as their predecessors, the […]
Mad Minute Games’ Programmer Norb Timpko Has A New Web Site
I’ve been away from the Mad Minute Games web site for far too long, but I read in the forums that Norb Timpko, head (only?) programmer for the company, has a new web site of his own. A quick read of the FAQ and some other areas revealed Norb is hard at work on his […]
HPS Releases Campaign Antietam and Mexican-American War
HPS Simulations today released the latest title in their Civil War Battles series, Campaign Antietam, along with Mexican-American War, a title which should be of some interest to Civil War wargamers. The games are selling initially at an introductory rate of $39.95, but will eventually revert to the standard price of $49.95. Details on Antietam […]