Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics of Deadly Quarrels
If war interests you I recommend an article in American Scientist online, “Statistics of Deadly Quarrels,” which takes a look at the work of British mathematician and meteorologist Lewis Fry Richardson, who attempted a mathematical analysis of war and unpleasantness generally. In organizing his data, Richardson borrowed a crucial idea from astronomy: He classified wars […]
Mr. Show Reenacts the Civil War
I found this little comedy gem while browsing on YouTube and figured I’d share it with readers today:
Modern “Patriotism” and This Republic of Suffering
I’m not the type to bring modern day politics into any of my blog posts. I also hate labels, but “centrist Libertarian” most adequately describes my political leanings. However, an excellent and beautifully written entry by a Marine Mom pretty much nails my own views on patriotism today and the propensity of some portions of […]
GREAT Blog Idea Involving a WW1 Soldier and His Letters
After my absence from blogging for several months, I was browsing through billyyank1864’s new Civil War blog The Blood of My Kindred intending to welcome him to the Civil War blogosphere (which I did, and welcome again billyyank1864!), when I came across a link to a blog with a really, really interesting format. WW1: Experiences […]
It’s Amazing What You Find When You Google Yourself
From time to time I’ll Google my full name (first and last) to see what sort of interesting items turn up. Imagine my surprise when I learned I had been mentioned in a published book HERE. Will Kaufman’s The Civil War in American Culture mentions me in reference to my work as a Civil War […]
Thoughts on Winter Weather
Early this week, the East Coast had a bad spell of winter weather to contend with, one of the few times we have done so this winter. As I was driving home Tuesday afternoon, I didn’t realize I was one of the lucky ones. My 14-mile commute only took a little more than an hour. […]
A Veterans Day thank you to our vets!
I posted some comments regarding Veterans Day on one of my blogs today. I extend my personal thanks and my deepest gratitude to TOCWOC readers and contributors who have served in the armed forces. Thanks!