Category: Civil War News

  • Around The Web

    The newest secession news is from Arizona, where a group of liberals in Tucson (apparently a protected area) want to form Baja Arizona. This is ironic since Tucson was a stronghold of the Confederate State of Arizona (not the same as the US state) and if you check the Wikipedia article there is a photo […]

  • Tom Lowry Vs. the National Archives: An Emailgate Answer?

    First, a short primer.  Earlier this year, historian Tom Lowry was accused of altering a Lincoln pardon letter by the National Archives, who claimed Lowry grew “reticent” during what I assumed was a string of emails.  Lowry denied this accusation at a new blog, saying he had never been contacted about the pardon and had […]

  • The New York Times on Abraham Lincoln’s First Inauguration

    The New York Times March 5, 1861 WASHINGTON, Monday, March 4. The day to which all have looked with so much anxiety and interest has come and passed. ABRAHAM LINCOLN has been inaugurated, and “all’s well.” At daylight the clouds were dark and heavy with rain, threatening to dampen the enthusiasm of the occasion with […]

  • Tom Lowry Vs. the National Archives: Where’s the Email?

    Historian Brooks Simpson at Crossroads today raised some good points here and here regarding Tom Lowry’s denial of National Archives accusations against him.  One key question is whether or not the National Archives tried to contact Dr. Lowry prior to knocking on his door one January morning.  Lowry says they did not at all contact […]

  • Tom Lowry’s New Blog Denying Accusations Against Him

    Historian Thomas Lowry was accused of changing the date on a Lincoln pardon from April 15, 1864 to April 15, 1865, the day Lincoln was assassinated.  Fellow TOCWOC blogger Fred Ray wrote a post covering these events and the news cycle surrounding them.  Tom Lowry has since come out with a WordPress Blog describing in […]

  • Who REALLY Caused the Civil War?

    With the Civil War sesquicentennial comes the inevitable fun of even more people arguing past each other about what started the conflict. It was with some amusement, then, that I came across the following explanation in a 1903 regimental history of the 116th Pennsylvania: When the Second Corps massed on the banks of the James […]

  • 150th Civil War Anniversary Infantry Symposium at the National Infantry Foundation

    TOCWOC reader and former contributor Matthew Young passed along word that the National Infantry Foundation in Columbus, GA is hosting a 150th Sesquicentennial Civil War Infantry Symposium on April 11, 2009 from 9 am to 5 pm (click for signup form) at the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center. The Symposium features presentations by the […]