Category: Civil War News
Bad News
I will be away from blogging for several days due to the passing of my Grandfather, a veteran of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. I hope to return some time this weekend.
Weekend Blogging
Weekends are usually busy times for me, so I’m probably going to be taking most weekends off from blogging. I hope to have a review up for Secessionville late Sunday night or some time on Monday, but otherwise I’ll be pretty quiet. Check out Brett’s list of the Top 10 Civil War Blogs! Check out […]
1000 hits and counting…
The American Civil War Gaming & Reading Blog has reached 1000 hits. I thank everyone who has checked out the content these past 9 days or so, and I only hope I can continue to provide what I believe to be useful information in the future. In other words, I hope somebody’s getting some use […]
Welcome to Rich Walker
Rich Walker, a game designer for HPS Simulations, has agreed to join fellow game designer Drew Wagenhoffer as a part-time guest blogger. Rich has done two Civil War games for HPS, Campaign Franklin and Campaign Shiloh. I’ve worked with Rich as a playtester for both games, and he is working on a third as we […]
Five eBay Auctions
I’ve entered the fraternity of eBay sellers tonight with five listings. Of particular interest to some of you might be the Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida & Arkansas volumes of Stewart Sifakis’ Compendium. The Virginia volume in particular is very reasonably priced. I am also selling a copy of Ed Bearss’ First Manassas Battlefield Map […]
Drew Wagenhoffer’s New Civil War Books and Authors Blog
Drew Wagenhoffer, who I introduced earlier this week as an occasional guest blogger here, has also decided to get into the ACW blogging business full time. His new blog, Civil War Books and Authors, features “discussions of the Civil War books, authors, publishers, and booksellers that interest [Drew]”. His collection of books dwarfs mine, and […]
Welcome to J. David Petruzzi
The list of guest bloggers is growing, and I can’t tell you how excited I am by the quality individuals who have agreed to lend a hand. Next to sign on is J. David Petruzzi, owner of the excellent Buford’s Boys! web site. The site is absolutely full of interesting articles on the Union Cavalry […]