Category: Civil War News
Civil War Memory: A New Blog
Kevin Levin, a High School history teacher in Charlottesville, Virginia, has created a new Civil War blog. I always find it best to let a person speak on their own behalf. With that in mind, here’s Kevin’s introduction to his blog: Thanks for stopping by. I have been quite impressed with the Civil War blogs […]
Civil War Talk Radio
I had heard of Civil War Talk Radio in the past, but I never really listened to it until this weekend when I checked out the interview with Dimitri Rotov. Gerald Prokopowicz hosts the show, which airs every Friday at noon Eastern. Prokopowicz interviews one person each show, usually an author, and discusses their area(s) […]
In Other ACW Blogs…
As a daily reader of Dimitri Rotov’s blog, I find his attempts to make people aware of the fallacies of the “Centennial View” of Civil War history endlessly fascinating. Mr. Rotov appeared on Civil War Radio on Friday, October 22. He discusses his blog and the state of Civil War reading and publishing. Drew Wagenhoffer […]
How Much to Own Gettysburg? $750,000
I saw a news entry over at The Wargamer that I thought was definitely worth sharing. Apparently some Canadian Civil War enthusiasts decided to model the Battle of Gettysburg in 1:72 scale. It took three guys five years, but they did it. What’s more, they’ve put the entire set up for sale on eBay with […]
October 13 General News & Notes
Now that I’ve been blogging for over a month, I’m starting to get the hang of this whole phenomenon. With that in mind, I’d like to emulate Dimitri R. just a little bit here by going over a few general features of the blog. 1. How do I contact you by email? Good question, and […]
Not Much Posting This Weekend…
…I’m in a wedding and a golf tournament. No rest for the weary. I’ll try to get some stuff up if I get a chance.
Eric Wittenberg’s New ACW Blog
Eric Wittenberg, an occasional guest blogger at this site, has launched an ACW blog of his own. Rantings of a Civil War Historian looks to provide an interesting view on the Civil War from the perspective of its owner, an author and lawyer with an interest in the Cavalry. Check out Brett’s list of the […]