Category: Civil War News
Another Civil War Blog!
After looking over the links at Andy MacIsaac’s First Maine Forward, I discovered a new Civil War blog entitled Blog4History – American History & Civil War History. Chris Wehner is the author of the new blog. As is usual in these cases, I’ll let Chris talk for himself: Christopher Wehner is a professional screenwriter (we […]
New Address For Civil War Memory
Update your bookmarks, ladies and gentlemen. Kevin Levin had moved his blog from the old blogspot address to a new typepad address. The new version of Kevin’s Blog can be found at Civil War Memory. Check out Beyond the Crater: The Petersburg Campaign Online for the latest on the Siege of Petersburg!
Who’s Arguing?
In a recent entry at Civil War Memory, Kevin Levin says…well, I honestly don’t know exactly WHAT he’s trying to say, as you will soon see below. I take exception to some of Kevin’s comments, and my reply to his entry appears as below: Kevin, I wasn’t surprised to see your post this morning. Any […]
Brett’s ACW Books Site Overhaul
I decided recently that my American Civil War Books site, essentially my Civil War book collection with my opinions attached and links to and other web sites that sell the books, badly needs a makeover. My non-ACW book collection site and my movie collection site both have a page for every item. This works […]
Many New Civil War Blogs, Part 2
In yesterday’s post, I talked about the recent surge of new Civil War blogs, and mentioned Civil Warriors and behind AotW as two of those entries. Today, I’ll preview the other three blogs that have come to my attention recently. Again, these are in no particular order. 1. War of the Rebellion Revisited by Sean […]
State of the Blog Address – April 8, 2006
Sorry for sort of disappearing for a bit there. As many of my (former) regular readers might have surmised, I’ve been extremely busy over the last several weeks. I am somewhat back to a normal schedule and I hope to again go to a once to twice a week posting schedule, with possible other entries […]
Infrequent Blogging Over Next Few Weeks
Mad Minute Games is ramping up testing for Take Command: Second Manassas over the next few weeks. As a result, I will not have as much time to dedicate to reading many books or playing many ACW games. I hope to post at least once a week during this time, but there will be noticeable […]