Category: Civil War News

  • Busy Week

    I’ll be pretty busy for the next week, so aside from the usual Today in the Petersburg Campaign entries, Harpers Ferry Arsenal updates, and a book review later this week, you probably won’t see me until next Monday for the next edition of Fred Ray’s book on Confederate sharpshooters. I don’t think there are going […]

  • In Memorial

    Since this is a blog focusing on military things, albeit over 140 years ago, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on those in my own family who have served their country, one of whom also gave his life in the line of duty. My Dad’s favorite uncle Joe was killed in the Korean […]

  • Civil War Book Sale at Indiana University Press

    I was surfing around today and I noticed a sale in progress at the Indiana University Press site. Among the hardback books going for up to 75% off are Happiness Is Not My Companion: The Life of General G. K. Warren, A Hundred Days to Richmond: Ohio’s “Hundred Days” Men in the Civil War, Giants […]

  • Another New Civil War Blog…

    Thanks to Mike Koepke and Andy Etman for informing me of another Civil War Blog, entitled Seeing the Elephant (recreated). Here’s blog author Eric’s initial post, in his own words: This is my first post for this blog, so I’ll introduce myself, and the angle I hope to take with this blog. My name is […]

  • CW II?

    I normally would not get into contemporary politics, but this is just too good to pass up. A Harvard Prof thinks CW II is imminent. Think America could never face another Civil War? Think again. According to one Harvard Business School Professor, a civil war is a real possibility following the 2008 election. “We might […]

  • Civil War Top 100 Sites

    In an effort to drive more traffic to my site (and do the same for others like me who maintain Civil War related web sites), I’ve created a PHP-driven “Civil War Top 100 sites” page at: If anyone reading this has a Civil War web site, you are more than welcome to join up. […]

  • Blogging Lawsuit

    I just read an interesting entry over at Andy MacIsaac’s blog First Maine Forward. Apparently, a blogger in the State of Maine is getting sued by the Maine Department of Tourism due to criticism he posted on his blog about Maine’s latest ad campaign proposal. As Andy points out, this seems rather ludicrous and basically […]