Category: Civil War News
Faked War Photos — Then and Now
News agency Reuters is in trouble after getting caught using manipulated images of the recent Middle East conflict supplied to them by a Lebanese photographer. Zombie, a Bay Area blogger (and a photojournalist herself), lists four types of photo fraud: 1. Digitally manipulating images after the photographs have been taken. 2. Photographing scenes staged by […]
Power’s Back
Finally, the power popped back on this morning. I unfortunately won’t have a post this week in my ongoing look at Eric Jacobson’s book on Franklin and Spring Hill, but I should be back to normal as far as the rest of the posting goes. Look for the next installment on Eric’s book to come […]
Still No Power
As I suspected, we are still without power, and I have heard that it may be as late as Tuesday before it is back on. I’ll try to keep the “Today in the Petersburg Campaign” posts up to date when I get to work each day, but regular posting will not resume until the power […]
Quick Note
The St. Louis area was hit by a terrific thunderstorm the other day, resulting in the loss of power to over 400,000 people. Some may be without power for up to four more days. Since I live east of the affected area, I was not impacted…until now. My area was hit with a severe storm […]
Keep Them Yankees Out!
Old Times are indeed not forgotten down here, but seems to be taking it an extreme. It appears that the Northern invasion of the South is complete — at least it is on a patch of land known as Delta Plantation in Jasper County.There, a diehard rebel named Henry E. Ingram Jr. made his last […]
Battlefield yobs
Few things get me as angry as battlefield vandalism. A few Americans seem to have a hard time understanding that there’s something special about a place that men a lot braver than them bled and died. Journalist Jack Wilkenson has a look at the problem in the Atlanta Constitution-Journal: “How could anybody feel it’s an […]
Odds & Ends
Some of you may have been expecting the latest post about Fred’s book Shock Troops of the Confederacy today, but real life has intervened. I’ve decided to postpone the entry until next Monday, rather than try to throw things together quickly. There should be another book review tomorrow or Wednesday, and I have read two […]