Category: Civil War News
Back to Blogging again
Brett has kindly invited me contribute to the TOCWOC blog. As fans of his old blog know I posted quite a bit there, mostly on the subject of CW-era rifles and sharpshooting. Some of my posts, like Brett’s, will be updated versions of old posts on that blog, but of course I have a lot […]
620,000 and a Speech, or a Foundation for Reconciliation
Hi all, Well its been a while. Like October. A lot has happened in my life since then. But that aside, I want to take a few moments to talk about the recent debate and other heated discussion about RACE. There has been considerable discussion, speeches, and even debate over how to reconcile the great […]
March Madness
As I do every year, I’ll be taking a vacation day to watch the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament today and tomorrow. Posting will naturally be a little light. Look for an announcement on the After Action Report wargaming contest this weekend. Remember, the winner gets a FREE copy of HPS Chickamauga. […]
Upcoming Posts
I’ve been busy the past few days, but there are several book discussions/reviews coming up, including Scott Mingus’ book on Antietam, Mark Grimsley’s The Hard Hand of War, and Cap Beatie’s third volume in his Army of the Potomac series. As previously mentioned, I hope to have some screenshots of HPS Antietam up soon as […]
Issues with Old American Civil War Gaming & Reading Posts
To my great dismay, I found that many of my posts to the old American Civil War Gaming & Reading Blog did not import correctly into the WordPress CMS I am using for TOCWOC. As a result, I am going to have to go through and manually upload many of these old posts. If you […]
Why Does Brett Review Older Books?
I often get asked this question via email or in comments, either on the blog or in some of the message boards where I also post reviews. I’ve decided it is easier to simply create a private page here at TOCWOC describing my reasoning. As a result, all of my book reviews will be accompanied […]