Category: Civil War News
A Look at The View From The Ground, Part 1
Aaron Sheehan-Dean (editor). The View from the Ground: Experiences of Civil War Soldiers (New Directions in Southern History). The University Press of Kentucky (December 22, 2006). 272 pages., notes, selected bibliography. ISBN: 978-0-8131-2413-1 $40.00 (Hardcover w/DJ). As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ll be looking at the essays contained in The View from the […]
Review: The London Confederates
The London Confederates: The Officials, Clergy, Businessmen and Journalists Who Backed the American South During the Civil War John D. Bennett ISBN 978-0-7864-3056-7 photos, gazetteer, chronology, appendices, notes, bibliography, index 214pp. hardcover (7 x 10) 2008 $55 McFarland & Company, Inc. Jefferson, NC Former reference librarian John D. Bennett, who lives in Leicester, England, has […]
Death of a Relic Hunter
The AP has an article on the recent death of relic hunter and Civil War ordnance expert Sam White this February in Richmond. Experts suspect White was killed while trying to disarm a 9-inch, 75-pound naval cannonball, a particularly potent explosive with a more complex fuse and many times the destructive power of those used […]
RSS Awareness Day is May 1
Since today is RSS Awareness Day, I’m going to take a short break from my Civil War blogging to discuss RSS. What is RSS? RSS, or Rich Site Summary, is “a format for delivering regularly changing web content” according to the What is RSS? web site. RSS is used by many blogs and other web […]
Did We’uns Win After All?
This article on “Southernism” by Michael Hirsch in Newsweak is getting a good bit of buzz on the web. He thinks the South won after all.
New(ish) Civil War Blog: American Civil War Stories
I recently found American Civil War Stories, a Civil War blog I hadn’t seen before. I don’t have too much information other than that the blog’s owner goes by the name of Tammy. Tammy, welcome to the Civil War blogosphere! I’ve added a link over in my blogroll to the right.
How Meth Labs and Civil War Preservation Are Linked
According to a recent report by the watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste, a recent $2,000,000 land expansion project by the Chickamauga Chattanooga National Military Park and the organization of a Tennessee Meth Lab Task Force in Chattanooga are both examples of pork barrel projects in the Chattanooga area. In a news article on the […]