Category: Civil War Research

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I’ve now updated the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project through the month of August 1864 (the Fourth Offensive), and I’ve completed all units found in Sifakis’ Compendium of the Confederate Armies. The OOBs I’m starting with are from F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern […]

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I’ve now updated the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project through the month of July 1864 (the Third Offensive), and I’ve completed all units found in Sifakis’ Compendium of the Confederate Armies. The OOBs I’m starting with are from F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern […]

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I’ve now updated the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project through the month of July 1864 (the Third Offensive). The OOBs I’m starting with are from F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern Virginia, Volume 1. As usual in these cases, I’ve gotten enthusiastic about getting […]

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I worked on the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project on Sunday night. I recently purchased a copy of F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern Virginia, Volume 1, and I have decided to use it as the base for my Confederate OOBs throughout the Siege. […]

  • Joe Harsh and Confederate PFD Strengths in September, 1862

    I’ve always been interested in Present for Duty (hereafter referred to as PFD) strengths of various units during the war, just due to my own curiosity and also due to my hobby of wargaming the Civil War. One area in particular along these lines involves the Maryland Campaign of 1862, culminating in the Battle of […]

  • Battlevision: The Battle of Shiloh

    Rich Hamilton recently reviewed Battlevision: The Battle of Shiloh over at the Armchair General. It is a PC product (this is NOT a game, for those wondering) that covers the Battle of Shiloh in great detail. The most exciting thing is that the product contains detailed Orders of Battle down to regimental and battery level, […]

  • Petersburg Campaign Project Update

    Since I just received the Sifakis Alabama volume today, I was able to update the Confederate Order of Battle for June 15, 1864 with all of the information for the Alabama units at my Petersburg Campaign Project site. Check out Brett’s list of the Top 10 Civil War Blogs! Check out Beyond the Crater: The […]