Category: Civil War Research

  • American Civil War Magazine & Journal Index Updated

    The American Civil War Magazine & Journal Index has been updated again today. I added the entire run of 6+ volumes of Civil War Regiments: A Journal of the American Civil War, except for summaries. I hope to add the summaries for most of these issues as I find time to read the ones I […]

  • American Civil War Magazine & Journal Index Updated

    The American Civil War Magazine & Journal Index has been updated today. I managed to add cover images of the entire run of Columbiad: A Quarterly Review of the War Between the States. Volume 1 of North & South: The Official Magazine of the Civil War Society is now also available, but I need to […]

  • New Shiloh Regimental Level OOB

    I received a nice surprise in my inbox yesterday, especially considering that I’ve been unable to find time for any reading, much less any blogging, lately. It seems that Jon Johnson, an amateur Civil War enthusiast like myself, decided to create a regimental level OOB for the Battle of Shiloh. Jon was gracious enough to […]

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I’ve now updated the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project through the month of November 1864 (after the Sixth Offensive of October), and I’ve completed all units found in Sifakis’ Compendium of the Confederate Armies. The OOBs I’m starting with are from F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The […]

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I’ve now updated the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project through the month of October 1864 (the Sixth Offensive), and I’ve completed all units found in Sifakis’ Compendium of the Confederate Armies. The OOBs I’m starting with are from F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern […]

  • Siege of Petersburg Project Update

    I’ve now updated the Confederate OOB of my Petersburg Campaign Project through the month of September 1864 (the Fifth Offensive), and I’ve completed all units found in Sifakis’ Compendium of the Confederate Armies. The OOBs I’m starting with are from F. Ray Sibley, Jr.’s reference work The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern […]

  • Counting Heads: Looking At Civil War Troop Numbers for Wargaming

    The genesis of this post occurred several weeks ago. I wanted to make sure I took a thorough look at this subject before creating a blog entry concerning it. As some of you who regularly read this blog may know, I am particularly interested in Orders of Battle (OOBs) that catalog unit strengths down to […]