Category: Civil War Research
Hey y’all
Hello. My name is Matthew Young, and I’m a Civil War junkie. That’s why this blog appealed to me so much to begin with. I found it totally by accident while browsing in the AGEOD ACW Forums. The more I read, the more I enjoyed it. I wrote to Brett asking if I could contribute, […]
John Lynn on Military History
NOTE: Hat tip to John Maass at A Student of History blog. John Lynn, Professor of History at my alma mater, the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, has an excellent article up at the National Association of Scholars web site. Professor Lynn has been teaching, researching, and writing about military history for many years longer […]
Brett’s Regimental Level OOBs (Orders of Battle) Integrated Into TOCWOC
I just wanted to post a short note indicating I have moved my “Regimental Level OOBs” page from proper to new pages within TOCWOC. In these pages, I have created regimental level orders of battle for some of the major battles of the war. I attempt to post strengths for each regiment as well. […]
A letter from Virginia, January 1864
I recently had the privilege of doing some research at the Perkins Library at Duke University in Durham. It has, I am told, the largest collection of unpublished Confederate manuscripts in the world. I had only a day and could barely scratch the surface, but I can tell you there’s a lot there. Duke is […]
Directory of History Dissertations: A Nice Search Tool
I was looking through Rene Tyree’s links over at wig-wags one day last week when I happened to notice a link to the AHA Directory of History Dissertations. This is a wonderful tool for finding dissertations on Civil War topics. I did a keyword search for “civil war” and came up with 315 hits immediately. […]
Cloyd Allen Smith, Jr.’s Sailor’s Creek Thesis from Texas A&M
I was looking through a couple of Google searches which had led people to TOCWOC today when I stumbled on a PDF version of Cloyd Allen Smith’s thesis on Sailor’s Creek. As a Civil War reader, I’ve always been a person who likes to browse through the notes at the end of a book and […]