Category: Civil War Research

  • Infant Infantry

    Always nice to see a historian who isn’t afraid, as they say, to transgress the boundaries of acceptable discourse. One such is Daniel Grey. You see, in 1863 Abe Lincoln began to run short of men and drafted babies. “A fierce patriot, Lincoln felt that all Americans should do their part in the war,” said […]

  • Civil War Music Part III- Soundtracks

    I apologize for not posting Part III earlier, the last few weeks have been very hectic.  To see the other music reviews, please visit Civil War Music Part I Civil War Music Part II Here in the 3rd of my 3 part series, I look at soundtracks of the Civil War Era.  The ones that […]

  • Appomattox Surrender Document Found?

    During a move a Philadelphia museum has found what they think might be one of the original surrender documents signed at Appomattox. Long thought to be a photocopy, it has been authenticated as original, although there is a question as to whether it’s the long-lost Confederate copy or a souvenir made at the same time. […]

  • Civil War Music Part II

    Earlier this week, I wrote about what I classify as Civil War “Field Music” such as fife & drum bands and regimental brass bands. While regimental brass bands can also be used for dance music, I personally categorize dance music as saxhorn bands, string bands, and musical ensembles that include fiddles, banjos, and guitars. I […]

  • Civil War Era Music, Part I

    For almost fifteen years now, I have enjoyed listening to music of the period, or music written about Civil War events.  Nothing gets me going like a good fife & drum rendition of the Bonnie Blue Flag or Hell on the Wabash.  As a matter of fact, I have put them on my iPod and […]

  • What is PFD and How Do You Find It?: Counting Heads In Civil War Regiments, Part 1

    Note: Prior to reading this post, it will be a good idea to have the Consolidated Morning Report of the 91st Pennsylvania for September 26, 1863 open in another browser window.  I’ve set up the link above to open in a new window for your convenience. Reader Mark Kucinic read my post Counting Heads: Civil […]

  • A Guide to Civil War Books for Beginners, Part 1: Civil War Overviews

    This is the first of hopefully many blog entries for beginning Civil War readers about Civil War books they might like to read.  This is not a post aimed at children or young adults, though I do hope to target those audiences in the future as well.  Instead, I hope to provide a nice guide […]