Category: Civil War Research

  • Army of the Potomac Ordnance at the Battle of Fredericksburg

    I was browsing the web for Quarterly Ordnance Returns (i.e. the type and number of weapons each unit had at a given time) for the Army of the Potomac. I found a gem at the Fredericksburg National Battlefield site. Historian Eric Mink apparently transcribed the Ordnance returns for the Army of the Potomac for the […]

  • Missouri Libraries and Civil War Digitization Projects

    A recent blog entry at the MoGSA Messenger, the Official Weblog of the Missouri State Genealogical Association discusses Civil War digitization projects at the Kansas City Public Library and the Springfield-Greene County Library District.  While the Kansas City area project is just getting started, the Springfield area project has a flourishing website called Community & […]

  • Secession (again)

    Secession again rears its ugly head, this time on The Volokh Conspiracy. Professor Eugene Volokh opines “I keep hearing the claim that the legitimacy of secession from the U.S. was “settled at Appomattox,” and I wanted to say a few words about why I think that makes little sense.” While he thinks that “today, secession […]

  • Leading the Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid (not just anyone will do)

    Eric Wittenberg scored a coup in Like A Meteor Blazing Brightly by finding a letter from former Confederate John Mosby about meeting Col. Isaac Wistar after the war. Wistar confirmed to Mosby the truth of the Kilpatrick-Dahlgren’s raid’s purpose—assassination—which he’d heard from Judson Kilpatrick himself. Wistar also claimed to have been ordered to do the […]

  • Review: News In History Provides A Look Into the Past Via Newspapers

    Note: This post has been crossposted at Beyond the Crater: The Petersburg Campaign Online. I recently found an exciting new site for history buffs,, which offers readers and (even more importantly for me, as you will read later) researchers a look into the past via digitized versions of old newspapers. I truly believe TOCWOC […]

  • Hallmarks of the Politically Correct Myth of the American Civil War

    Editor’s Note: I’d like to welcome those of you coming from either Brooks Simpson’s Civil Warriors post or his updated version at Crossroads.  Before you read further, I urge you to read our disclaimer here at TOCWOC, which reads: The views of each individual TOCWOC blogger do not necessarily reflect the views of the group […]

  • Horatio Nelson Taft Diary

    The Library of Congress continues to digitize its collection and make it available online. One of the latest is the diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, who worked in the patent office. Taft was also unusually close to the Lincolns, since their children often played together. Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson […]