Category: Civil War Memory
Will the Real Winner of Iuka Come On Down!
Brett’s post last month on the new book by Frank Varney inspired me to write this post. In my view, the standard conclusion about the Battle of Iuka is wrong, but not in the way Varney would like. I agree that the winner of the battle has been unjustly overlooked, but its not Rosecrans that […]
Auction News
Auctions are always fun to poke around in, wishing you had the money to buy some of those cool things. For some reason there seems to be a lot of Civil War stuff on the block lately. [Full Disclosure: Other than having bought a few items from Heritage I have no connection with any of […]
Did the Moon Do In Stonewall Jackson?
Or is this just another loony theory? Two astronomers from Texas State University think that the angle of the moon had a lot to do with Stonewall’s fatal wounding at Chancellorsville. If Jackson’s reconnaissance party was riding in bright moonlight, then his own men should have recognized them as they returned from the Union’s side, […]
Flag of the “Bloody Sixth” Restored
The flag of the 6th NC, lost at Sailor’s Creek in 1865 has been restored (at the tune of $6500) and is now on display at the NC Museum of History. More than 100 people from across the state came to the dedication Saturday to see the flag and share stories about the N.C. 6th […]
Review: Death and the Civil War (PBS American Experience)
I’ve been a fan of the American Experience series for quite some time now. I love the way PBS takes significant events in American History and covers them in surprising detail for a television show. Experts, typically those who have written books on a subject or have spent considerable portions of their lives studying the […]