Category: Civil War Memory

  • Short Takes

    It’s Black History Month, so let’s take a look at the African-American volunteers from Connecticut. It shows the two views of black soldiery. One legislator opined that the authorizing legislation was the most disgraceful bill ever introduced into the Connecticut Legislature,” Democratic Rep. William W. Eaton of Hartford said he “would rather let loose the wild […]

  • Civil War Book Review: John Bell Hood: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Confederate General

    Hood, Stephen M. John Bell Hood: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Confederate General (Savas Beatie, 2013). 384 pages, illustrations, maps, notes, bibliography. ISBN: 978-1-61121-140-5 $32.95 (Hardcover). Note: Also available in Kindle format. Note: The author, Stephen Hood, is nicknamed “Sam” Hood, as was General John Bell Hood.  For purposes of clarity, this review […]

  • C-SPAN Alert: Washington Brotherhood

    Caught part of this last night but it will be broadcast again tonite at 10pm EST.  Shelden talks about the political culture of the time and some of the unlikely friendships formed such as that between Abe Lincoln and (future Confederate VP) Alexander Stephens; and Jeff Davis and William Seward. It’s a half hour and […]

  • Review: Stuart’s Finest Hour by John Fox

    Stuart’s Finest Hou: The Ride Around McClellan June 1862 by John Fox III ISBN 978-0-9711950-5-9 Copyright 2014 Format 6 x 9 hardback, 344 pages, 7 maps, 75 photos, appendices, bibliography and index. $31.95 James Ewell Brown Stuart was one of the many men vaulted into sudden prominence by the Civil War, and his ascent began […]

  • The “Confederate Column” in the Richmond Times Dispatch: A Gold Mine of First Person Accounts

    Recently K. S. McPhail, who runs the excellent New Kent County History web site, has been sending me a ton of excellent first person accounts from post-war newspapers, many of which you’ll find on my Siege of Petersburg Postwar Newspaper accounts page.  The articles Mr. McPhail has been sending along are mostly from papers which […]

  • Wanted: Siege of Petersburg Newspaper Accounts

    One of the really cool things about being a Civil War blogger or web master is the camaraderie you find out out there from others who share your passion.  Since I started The Siege of Petersburg Online in August 2009, I’ve had many people contact me out of the blue with very interesting items which […]

  • From Around the Web

    Better late than, you know…. the Pennsylvania Patriot & Union retracts an 1863 editorial panning the Gettysburg Address. Most of us would love to own a real Civil War cannon, but it’s probably still ill-advised to fire it at your neighbor, even if it’s only loaded with wadding. Dr. Howard Markel at PBS takes a […]