Category: Campaigns & Battles

  • Short Takes

    Relatives, friends and re-enactors re-dedicated a memorial to Col. George Wesley Clayton, who saved Asheville from the Yankee hordes in the Battle of Asheville on April 6, 1865. Historian Jeff Lovelace believes that without Clayton’s successful defense of the town of 1,200 in the Battle of Asheville, the consequences would have been dire. “The town […]

  • Short Takes

    Henry Louis Gates, perhaps better known for his role in the “beer summit,” pens an excellent article on the slavery “blame game.” While we are all familiar with the role played by the United States and the European colonial powers like Britain, France, Holland, Portugal and Spain, there is very little discussion of the role […]

  • New Civil War Battle Blog: Scott Patchan’s Shenandoah 1864

    I received an email from Facebook tonight which alerted me to Scott C. Patchan’s new battle blog, Shenandoah 1864: The Valley Campaign. Scott is an expert on the lesser known 1864 Valley Campaign, much less covered than its famous 1862 cousin. He has authored three books on the subject, The Forgotten Fury: The Battle of […]

  • Second Bull Run

    Second Bull Run By James W. Durney After the battle of Brawner’s Farm or Groveton, Pope had “bagged” Jackson and all he needed to do was beat him in battle.  Pope possessed unlimited confidence in his ability to do this with his army of 63,000 assembled from multiple independent sources.  Franz Sigel commands the I […]

  • Fort Sanders Sorority

    Well, sort of. Some of the Confederate trenches near Fort Sanders have been unearthed while constructing a new building at University of Tennessee. Fire pits and ruts from cannon wheels are still visible in places. Archaeologists also uncovered soldier’s belt buckles, ammunition, pottery, and firing mechanisms for the cannons. But the most significant find is […]

  • Wilderness Walmart OK’d

    Bad news. Looks like the Wilderness Walmart will go in after all. ORANGE, Va. – Local officials early Tuesday approved a Walmart Supercenter near one of the nation’s most important Civil War battlefields, a proposal that had stirred opposition by preservationists and hundreds of historians. The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to grant […]

  • Top 7 Shiloh Books: Combined List

    The recent Civil War Bloggers Top 10 Gettysburg Books list turned out well, so well that I immediately contacted the members of the Shiloh Discussion Group to see if they would join me in creating another combined list, this time of the Top 7 Shiloh books, which will appear this August at TOCWOC on a […]