Category: James Durney’s Book Notes

  • Hard to Find or Expensive Civil War Books

    Hard to find or expensive Civil War books By James Durney Books are an integral part of our hobby.  The more we read, the more we understand how little we know and how much more we need to read.  Spouses threaten us with a fate worse than death as our library spills out of the […]

  • Review: Germans in the Civil War: The Letters They Wrote Home

    Germans in the Civil War: The Letters They Wrote Home Walter D. Kamphoefner (editor), Wolfgang Helbich (editor) Susan Carter Vogel (Translator) Product Details Hardcover: 560 pages Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press (October 11, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0807830445 ISBN-13: 978-0807830444 The song “I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel” encapsulates our understanding of Germans […]

  • Reviews: The Fort Pillow Massacre

    An Unerring Fire: The Massacre at Fort Pillow by Richard L. Fuchs Product Details Hardcover: 190 pages; Dimensions (in inches): 9.50 x 0.75 x 6.50 Publisher: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; (October 1994) ISBN: 083863561X Mr. Fuchs has tried to prove the case against Nathan Bedford Forrest for ordering the massacre at Fort Pillow.  He has […]

  • January 2010 Civil War Book Notes

    Those that can’t write, Review! January 2010 James Durney *********************************************************** In the stores Lincoln for President: An Unlikely Candidate, An Audacious Strategy, and the Victory No One Saw Coming by Bruce Chadwick is an interesting title.  The press release states “is the incredible story of how Lincoln overcame overwhelming odds to not only capture his […]

  • Review: Cavalry of the Heartland: The Mounted Forces of the Army of Tennessee

    Cavalry of the Heartland: The Mounted Forces of the Army of Tennessee By Edward G. Longacre Product Details Hardcover: 464 pages Publisher: Westholme Publishing; 1st Edition (November 18, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1594160988 ISBN-13: 978-1594160981 A Longacre book is always a question.  He is capable of outstanding work but often, seems willing to work below […]

  • December 2009 Civil War Book Notes

    Those that can’t write, Review! December 2009 James Durney *********************************************************** In need of a holiday gift? It might be a gift for someone else, an answer to “What do you want?” or something you buy yourself.  These books are available online and in some stores. Fields of Blood: The Prairie Grove Campaign by William Shea […]

  • The Trans-Mississippi Package: Books on the Civil War West of the Father of Waters

    The Trans-Mississippi Package By James Durney Have you ever looked west of the Mississippi River in 1861 & 8162?  Yes, we have all read about Wilson’s Creek and Lyons in St. Louis.  However, that is not the full story.  If you have a vague itch to explore the Civil War in the Trans-Mississippi, read on. […]