Category: Civil War Book Reviews
Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 2
In Part 1 of my review of Ethan Rafuse’s recent McClellan bio, we left off after Chapter 4. With the nation teetering on the brink of war, McClellan supported Stephen Douglas’s successful Senate reelection campaign against Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln went on to win the presidency in 1860 due to the split of the Democrats, and […]
Ethan Rafuse – McClellan’s War, Part 1
To complete my undergraduate history degree last Spring, I was required to write a thesis driven paper at least 20 standard pages long. After getting some guidance from my supervising professors, I wrote a paper twice that size on the historiography and public perception of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Conversely, I am not sure a paper […]
Review: He Hath Loosed the Fateful Lightning by Paul Taylor He Hath Loosed the Fateful Lightning: The Battle of Ox Hill (Chantilly) September 1, 1862. Paul Taylor. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Books (2003). 179 pp. 8 maps. This is a review and summary of Paul Taylor’s He Hath Loosed the Fateful Lightning: The Battle of Ox Hill (Chantilly) September 1, 1862. In this book, […]
Review: Secessionville: Assault on Charleston by Patrick Brennan Secessionville: Assault on Charleston. Patrick Brennan. Savas Publishing Company (1996). 394 pp. 23 maps. This is a review and summary of Patrick Brennan’s Secessionville: Assault on Charleston. Secessionville is a detailed battle history focusing on the James Island Campaign of June 1862 and the resulting Battle of Secessionville on June 16, 1862. The author […]
42nd Virginia Infantry by John Chapla
I managed to get my hands on a copy of the currently out-of-print 42nd Virginia Infantry by John Chapla. The book is part of the Virginia Regimental History series of books published by H.E. Howard. I have a very short review of the book on my ACW Books site in the Unit Histories and Miscellaneous […]