Category: Civil War Book Reviews

  • Berdan’s Civil War Elite — Conclusion

    Hiram Berdan left on a more or less unauthorized leave after Gettysburg and never returned to the army. He eventually resigned, leaving the 1st U.S.S.S. under the command of his long-suffering subordinate, Lt. Col. Caspar Trepp. Though the Swiss-born Trepp was a fine soldier, he lasted only until late November 1863 before falling victim to […]

  • Roy Marcot on Berdan’s Sharpshooters

    I’ve bought a number of books lately on the Late Unpleasantness and will posting reviews as time permits. Speaking of which I should have a bit more now that my house is more or less completed (still working on the landscaping) and I have finished the awards process for a non-profit on whose board I […]

  • April 2008 Book Notes

    Those that can’t write, review! April 2008 James Durney Savas Beatie has announced One Continuous Fight the Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, July 4-14, 1863 by Eric Wittenberg, J. David Petruzzi and Michael Nugent for May 2008. The 576-page book will contain 40 photos and 18 maps. Wittenberg […]

  • Thoughts on The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy Toward Southern Civilians, 1861-1865 by Mark Grimsley

    Mark Grimsley. The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy Toward Southern Civilians, 1861-1865. New York: Cambridge University Press; First Edition (November 26, 1995). 244 pp., 3 maps, notes, index. ISBN: 0-521-46257-6 $75.00 (Hardcover w/DJ). I wanted to quickly explain the price listed above. I realize $75 is a LOT of money for most of […]

  • Review in Brief: Human Interest Stories from Antietam by Scott Mingus

    Scott L. Mingus, Sr.. Human Interest Stories from Antietam. Orrtanna, PA.: Colecraft Industries; First Edition (2007). 103 pp. ISBN: 0-9777125-32 $9.95 (Paperback). Fellow blogger Scott Mingus saw the release of the second book in his “Human Interest Series” (the first was on the Gettysburg Campaign), published by Colecraft Industries, in 2007. I meant to get […]

  • Little Phil: A Reassessment of the Civil War Leadership of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan

    Eric J. Wittenberg. Little Phil: A Reassessment of the Civil War Leadership of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan. Washington, D.C.: Brassey’s, Inc.; First Edition (2002). 250 pp., 22 maps, notes, index.. ISBN: 1-57488-385-2 $24.95 (Hardcover w/DJ). Often described as a “lawyer’s brief” by the author and others, Eric Wittenberg’s Little Phil is not a flattering portrait […]

  • Why Does Brett Review Older Books?

    I often get asked this question via email or in comments, either on the blog or in some of the message boards where I also post reviews. I’ve decided it is easier to simply create a private page here at TOCWOC describing my reasoning. As a result, all of my book reviews will be accompanied […]