Category: Civil War Book Reviews

  • Review: Crossroads of the Conflict: Defining Hours for the Blue and Gray: A Guide to the Monuments of Gettysburg

    Donald W. McLaughlin. Crossroads of the Conflict: Defining Hours for the Blue and Gray: A Guide to the Monuments of Gettysburg. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press, Inc. (June 2, 2008). 376 pages, numerous maps, index. ISBN: 978-1432722876 $34.95 (Paperback). Don McLaughlin’s years spent as a Licensed Battlefield Guide at Gettysburg from 1983 to 1997 along with […]

  • Top 5 Most Important Civil War Books: Larry Freheit

    Several Fridays ago, I posted Ian Spurgeon’s winning entry in the Roll Call to Destiny Book Contest.  Contestants had to answer the following two questions: What are the five most important books you have read on the Civil War? Why is each important? This week, Larry Freiheit’s entry in the contest is featured.  It appears […]

  • Review: Guide to the Atlanta Campaign: Rocky Face Ridge to Kennesaw Mountain

    Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson (Editors). Guide to the Atlanta Campaign: Rocky Face Ridge to Kennesaw Mountain. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas (May 7, 2008). 383 pages., order of battle, notes, index. ISBN: 978-0700615704 $17.95 (Paperback). The U.S. Army War College Guides to Civil War Battles series is well-established at this point, a […]

  • September 2008 Book Notes

    Those that can’t write, Review! September 2008 James Durney *************************************************************** Book News I have just about given up on publication schedules.  I have had some many books slip that Book News has little or no value.  I am considering concentrating on books that are published and available.  Using the “publication date” has resulted in a […]

  • Top 5 Most Important Civil War Books: Brendan Hamilton

    Last Friday, I posted Ian Spurgeon’s winning entry in the Roll Call to Destiny Book Contest.  Contestants had to answer the following two questions: What are the five most important books you have read on the Civil War? Why is each important? This week, Brendan Hamilton’s entry in the contest is featured.  It appears below.  […]

  • Top 5 Most Important Civil War Books Winner: Ian Spurgeon

    I recently held a contest where readers had to answer the following questions: What are the five most important books you have read on the Civil War? Why is each important? Ian Spurgeon was the winner. His contest entry follows. The best contestant entries will be appearing here at TOCWOC over the next few Fridays. […]

  • Review: The Battle of Shiloh and the Organizations Engaged by D.W. Reed

    David W. Reed. The Battle of Shiloh and the Organizations Engaged . Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press (May 15, 2008). 122 pages, 4 maps (on CD), notes, index. ISBN: 978-1572336179 $33.00 (Hardcover w/DJ). How can an essential “cornerstone of Shiloh historiography” remain unavailable to the general public for so long? That’s what I […]