Category: Civil War Books – Now Reading
Civil War Book Review: Patriotism Limited, 1862-1865: The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System
Patriotism Limited, 1862-1865: The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System by Eugene Converse Murdock Product Details Hardcover: 270 pages Publisher: Kent State University Press; 1st edition (1967) Language: English ASIN: B0006BS8YS Building the military for a major war is an expensive time consuming process. The purchase, checking and distribution of thousands of items are […]
Civil War Book Review: The New York Times The Complete Civil War 1861-1865
The New York Times The Complete Civil War 1861-1865 edited by Harold Holzer & Craig L. Symonds Product Details Hardcover: 512 pages Publisher: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers; Har/Dvdr edition (October 13, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1579128459 ISBN-13: 978-1579128456 Events as they happen The New York Times is one of America’s oldest daily newspapers, being […]
Civil War Book Review: Fields of Blood: The Prairie Grove Campaign
Shea, William L. Fields of Blood: The Prairie Grove Campaign. The University of North Carolina Press (November 15, 2009). 368 pages, 41 illustrations, 17 maps, appendices, notes, bibliography, index. ISBN: 978-0-8078-3315-5 $35.00 (Cloth). How was the Confederacy able to find men, material, arms, ammunition, and food to defend Arkansas in the wake of Earl Van […]
Civil War Book Review: Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861
Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861 by Earl M. Maltz Product Details Hardcover: 362 pages Publisher: University Press of Kansas (November 3, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0700616667 ISBN-13: 978-0700616664 Given a choice of spending an afternoon reading legal history or in the dentist’s chair, many would have to think which would be worse. I approached […]
March 2011 Civil War Book Notes
Those that can’t write, Review! March 2011 James W. Durney *********************************************************** My “to read” list God’s Almost Chosen Peoples: A Religious History of the American Civil War by George C. Rable looks at religion during the war.George C. Rable (Author) Strangling the Confederacy by Kevin Dougherty is not a new book but one that needs […]
February 2011 Civil War Book Notes
Those that can’t write, Review! February 2011 James W. Durney *********************************************************** My “to read” list Reconstructing Appalachia: The Civil War’s Aftermath edited by Andrew L. Slap presents a look at Reconstruction in an area with a unique set of problems. The Day Dixie Died: The Battle of Atlanta by Gary Ecelbarger is a description of […]
Civil War Book Review: The Confederate Alamo: Bloodbath at Petersburg’s Fort Gregg on April 2, 1865
Editor’s Note: This Civil War book review originally appeared at The Siege of Petersburg Online: Beyond the Crater earlier today. Fox, John J., III. The Confederate Alamo: Bloodbath at Petersburg’s Fort Gregg on April 2, 1865. Angle Valley Press (April 3, 2010). 52 pages, 7 maps, 74 photos, 8 appendices, bibliography, index. ISBN: 978-0-9711950-0-4 $34.95 […]