Category: Civil War Books – Authors

  • Earl J. Hess on His New Book The Rifle Musket in the Civil War

    Author Earl Hess was kind enough to write to TOCWOC and provide some information on his important new book The Rifle Musket in the Civil War.  He had the following to say: Was Paddy Griffith right when he suggested in 1986 that the rifle musket had relatively little impact on changing the face of battle […]

  • Tim Smith Virtual Book Signing on Saturday

    Timothy B. Smith, the author of The Golden Age of Battlefield Preservation: The Decade of the 1890s and the Establishment of America’s First Five Military Parks, will appear on Saturday, August 23rd from 12-1 pm Central at  Hat tip to historicus at The History Channel Civil War boards.  Looking a little further down the […]

  • Top 5 Most Important Civil War Books Winner: Ian Spurgeon

    I recently held a contest where readers had to answer the following questions: What are the five most important books you have read on the Civil War? Why is each important? Ian Spurgeon was the winner. His contest entry follows. The best contestant entries will be appearing here at TOCWOC over the next few Fridays. […]

  • The Battle of Massard Prairie by Dale Cox: Now in Hardcover

    Dale Cox, author of The Battle of Massard Prairie, recently announced on his Arkansas in the Civil War blog that the book is now being offered in a hardcover edition.  The book goes for $24.95 plus shipping and handling.  Dale also mentioned the following in a comment over at Drew Wagenhoffer’s Civil War Books & […]

  • Gene Hackman in Asheville

    What’s a celeb sighting got to do with the Civil War? Seems Hackman has now retired from acting and is now into writing about the Late Unpleasantness. He’ll be appearing at a local book store. Haven’t made up my mind whether I’ll go or not (it costs money), but there’s a review of the book […]

  • Further Discussion on Mark Grimsley’s The Hard Hand of War

    In an interesting coincidence, Mark Grimsley blogged about his recent remarks at the March 29 Organization of American Historians round table. Why coincidence you say? Because Mark spoke about the destructiveness of the Civil War around the same time I was reviewing and blogging about The Hard Hand of War, his book on the subject. […]

  • Brett’s Book Purchases: September 2007, Part 3

    NOTE: Sorry for the delays in posting. I had strep throat for about a week and it really wreaked havoc with my day to day activities. Book Purchases: September 2007 Books #21-31 Note: Those of you who followed my now defunct blog American Civil War Gaming & Reading will instantly recognize the format and reasons […]