Category: Civil War Books – Authors

  • Review: Patriotic Treason: John Brown and the Soul of America

    Patriotic Treason: John Brown and the Soul of America (Paperback) by Evan Carton (Author) Product Details Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Bison Books (April 1, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0803219466 ISBN-13: 978-0803219465 Inconsistencies and excesses In the Civil War’s Emancipation Tradition John Brown is one of the major players, the doomed idealist, martyred by the evil […]

  • Review: Clash of Extremes: The Economic Origins of the Civil War

    Clash of Extremes: The Economic Origins of the Civil War by Marc Egnal Product Details Hardcover: 432 pages Publisher: Hill and Wang (January 6, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 080909536X ISBN-13: 978-0809095360 The Emancipation Tradition maintains that slavery is the cause of the Civil War.  The North found slavery so morally unacceptable that they were willing […]

  • Review: A History of the 3rd South Carolina Regiment: Lee’s Reliables

    This is the fourth and final review of the inaugural titles in the South Carolina Regimental-Roster Set series from Broadfoot Publishing Company.  A significant portion of each review will show you how this particular volume compared to the others in the series in terms of regimental history length, amount of annotation, depth and print size […]

  • Review: Crisis of Command in the Army of the Potomac

    Simson, Jay W. Crisis of Command in the Army of the Potomac: Sheridan’s Search for an Effective General.  McFarland (August 14, 2008). 245 pages, maps, illustrations, index. ISBN: 978-0786436538 $39.95 (Paperback). As a Civil War general, how would you go about avoiding the wrath of Union Major General Phil Sheridan?  The three generals Sheridan sacked, […]

  • Interview With Lee Sturkey: Author of Hampton Legion Infantry C.S.A.

    O. Lee Sturkey is the author of Hampton Legion Infantry C.S.A., a new entry in the South Carolina Regimental-Roster Set published by Broadfoot Publishing.  He has been a student of the Hampton Legion for over 25 years, making Mr. Sturkey a perfect candidate to write a book on a portion of the unit.  The endnotes […]

  • April 2009 Civil War Book Notes

    Those that can’t write, Review! April 2009 James Durney *************************************************************** New Releases This one slipped by me or I would have told all of you about it sooner.  FLAMES BEYOND GETTYSBURG: The Gordon Expedition, June 1863 (Paperback) by Scott L. Mingus Sr. is available.   This is the latest addition to the Discovering Civil War America […]

  • The Trent Crisis of 1861-2 and Author Phil Myers

    I recently came across a very interesting Civil War forum topic on the Trent Affair and possible British military intervention  in the Civil War.  One of the main forum users, 67th Tigers, takes the position that British civilians overwhelmingly wanted war and goes on to present detailed British war plans both in the thread and […]