Category: Civil War Blogging

  • War, Perception, and Social History

    J. D. Petruzzi has a thoughtful and perceptive post about how historical events are perceived by authors and readers. I would add that it’s all to easy to substitute opinion for fact, and deplore that many modern authors feel the need to put themselves on a higher moral plane so as to pass judgment on […]

  • Clausewitz, his influence…and that of other pundits.

    Dmitri Rotov is into a discussion of the influence of Clausewitz’s work On War on our Civil War. I’m not really a student of strategy, but thought I’d add that although Dmitri has found some earlier magazine excerpts, the first full publication of an English translation seems to have been that of Col. J. J. […]

  • Posting Frequency Changes for Brett

    I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything this week.  Life is becoming quite hectic with the impending birth of my first child in the next few weeks.  Until I get a better handle on how to be a good Dad to my son or daughter, I am going to probably be posting once a week, with […]

  • A House Divided – A New Civil War Blog

    Linda Wheeler of the Washington Post has added a new Civil War blog, A House Divided, to the ever-growing Civil War blogosphere.  The introductory post has the following interesting information: Civil War columnist Linda Wheeler brings her successful “A House Divided” writings to after a 10-year run as a column in the newspaper. Sometimes […]

  • Are Slavery and Emancipation the ONLY Things Worth Studying from the American Civil War?

    There have been quite a few mentions of the Gettysburg Visitor Center over the past few weeks in the Civil War blogosphere, and some of this has spilled over into the question of what type of interpretation should be seen at our Civil War battlefield visitor centers. John Hennessy, National Park Service Chief Historian at […]

  • Top 5 Most Important Civil War Books: Stephanie Farra

    Several Fridays ago, I posted Ian Spurgeon’s winning entry in the Roll Call to Destiny Book Contest.  Contestants had to answer the following two questions: What are the five most important books you have read on the Civil War? Why is each important? This week, Stephanie Farra’s entry in the contest is featured.  It appears […]

  • Book Blogger Appreciation Week: List of Blogs Up For Awards

    I wanted to point out the ongoing “Book Blogger Appreciation Week” to my readers.  My Friend Amy is the host and has some cool giveaways, as do many of the other participating blogs.  If you like to read, I’m sure you’ll find a lot of interesting blogs in the following list of participants! 1 More […]