Category: Arms & Armament
Short Takes
Looking for a couple of ex-Confederate brass Armstrong cannons to round out your collection? I just might know where you can find ’em. R. Lee “Gunny” Ermey is at it again with a History Channel series on weapons call Lock N’ Load, covering the history of various implements of destruction. For the Civil War buff […]
Short Takes
In secession news, the latest candidate is Hawaii, or Hawai’i if you prefer. Even more so than Texas Hawaii has a unique state history, being the only state annexed by what some have termed an imperialist coup. Matt Welch takes a look at the prospects in Reason magazine. Shooting Times takes a nostalgic look at […]
Reynolds Family Papers on line
Thanks to a recent grant Franklin & Marshall College has posted the Reynolds Family Papers on line. For Civil War students the ones of the most interest are those pertaining to Major General John F. Reynolds, killed on July 1 at Gettysburg. These are both facsimiles of the originals and transcriptions, and include both personal […]
Sad Day in Blighty
In an end to three centuries of small arms leadership, Britain has announced that it will no longer make its own rifles. England has long been a leader in small arms development, both by the government Enfield factory and private manufacturers, with a storied past going back to the Brown Bess and including Civil War […]
National Firearms Museum
One place I forgot to mention in my previous post was the National Firearms Museum, which is certainly worth a visit any time you’re in the DC area. Located with the National Rifle Association headquarters at Fairfax, VA, the museum features thousands of firearms of all types from all periods, including the Civil War. Featured […]
Civil War “sniper” training
I received a request for comment on Civil War “sniper” training as compared to WWI: We’re trying to piece together a longitudinal picture of civil war sniper training and contrast that with U.S. sniper training during WW I. Our focus is on what is learned; then lost over given periods of time. The short answer […]
Short Takes
Haven’t had much time to blog lately as I have been getting out another book. Nothing to do with the Civil War, this one’s the fourth edition of River Rescue, first published way back in 1985. If anyone out there in our radio audience is a canoeist, kayaker, or rafter, it might interest you. Did […]