Author: Fred Ray

  • Short Takes

    Regardless of what you think caused the Late Unpleasantness, state’s rights remain a live issue, enough to make the Christian Science Monitor devote an article to it. As you might expect, South Carolina is involved: Atlanta – There’s an old joke in South Carolina: Confederate President Jefferson Davis may have surrendered at the Burt-Stark mansion […]

  • Footnotes to History

    I’ve subscribed to, which I’ve found to be a great resource even though it’s not cheap (tip: keep checking for sale rate). There is a wealth of Civil War primary documentation there, with more being added daily, including most of the Confederate service records. Accessing these online sure beats having to travel to Washington […]

  • Martin Pegler Books

    Bill Adams (whom I have mentioned before in connection with his firearms expertise) send this short review of a couple of Martin Pegler’s books and has allowed me to post it here. I’ve read Out of Nowhere and found it excellent. Fred Ray I thoroughly enjoyed Martin Pegler’s Out of Nowhere: A History of the […]

  • Stash of Civil War Newspapers Found

    The Austin Coin Collecting Society, whom I have mentioned before as having silver Confederate half dollars, has come into posession of a number of copies of the New York Times dating from the Civil War. From the cellar of an old library being remodeled, we found a small hoard of original New York Times Newspapers […]

  • An Interview With Author Jim Parrish

    UPDATE: Drew Wagenhoffer has a complimentary review of Parrish’s book on Civil War Books and Authors. John Fox, the man behind Angle Valley Press, passed along this interview with Jim Parrish, author of the recently-released Wiregrass to Appomattox, a history of the 50th Georgia. I have a copy but have not yet had a chance […]

  • War Without Violence (even pretended)

    In a move sure to please pacifists everywhere, the Appleton, WI, schools have banned the mock battle from their day-long Civil War program. The battle segment was scratched after a group of parents raised concerns it conflicts with violence-prevention efforts and a district policy banning look-alike weapons at schools. If you don’t like history, just […]

  • Lincoln Tales and Photos

    A hidden message in Abe Lincoln’s pocket watch? Or so watchmaker Jonathan Dillon told his descendants. Truth or fable? Today they opened the watch to see… U.S. Grant’s descendant looks in great-grandpa’s photo album and finds a previously unknown photo of Lincoln in front of the White House. UPDATE: More here with a look at […]