Author: Fred Ray

  • Fort Sanders Sorority

    Well, sort of. Some of the Confederate trenches near Fort Sanders have been unearthed while constructing a new building at University of Tennessee. Fire pits and ruts from cannon wheels are still visible in places. Archaeologists also uncovered soldier’s belt buckles, ammunition, pottery, and firing mechanisms for the cannons. But the most significant find is […]

  • Wilderness Walmart OK’d

    Bad news. Looks like the Wilderness Walmart will go in after all. ORANGE, Va. – Local officials early Tuesday approved a Walmart Supercenter near one of the nation’s most important Civil War battlefields, a proposal that had stirred opposition by preservationists and hundreds of historians. The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to grant […]

  • Fake Photos Revisited

    The venerable New York Times carries a section today about fake photos, including Lincoln’s head pasted on John C. Calhoun’s body and a really elaborate paste-up of US Grant made from three photos. There’s an excellent web site devoted to this sort of fakery, The Museum of Hoaxes. Photo fakery started as soon as the […]

  • Smith & Wesson Revolvers

    Gunbroker can be a fascinating place to browse around, in many ways like an online museum. I found a couple of examples of the first cartridge revolvers by Smith & Wesson. These were not by any means the first revolvers but they were the first to use fixed metallic cartridges such as we use now. […]

  • Short Takes

    Looking for a couple of ex-Confederate brass Armstrong cannons to round out your collection? I just might know where you can find ’em. R. Lee “Gunny” Ermey is at it again with a History Channel series on weapons call Lock N’ Load, covering the history of various implements of destruction. For the Civil War buff […]

  • An Infantry Assault

    I came across this reminiscence of an infantry attack and thought I’d post it as it’s one of the best descriptions I’ve seen not only of the tactics but of the feelings of the men making it. The attack appears to be part of the battle of Hatcher’s Run (5-7 February, 1865). I’ve been unable […]

  • The Sharpshooter: A Poem

    THE SHARPSHOOTER Frank H. Sweet Strange, fearful man, as shadow-like and keen, Master of all that comes within his sight, With eyes that seem to pierce the very night, Watching the world about, himself unseen; Perched in some lofty tree, among the green And silent branches, and at such height As seems to suit the […]