Author: Fred Ray

  • Late 19thC Infantry Attack

    I came across this illustration of an infantry attack in the late 19th Century, specifically in 1892 at the famous British Army School of Musketry at Hythe. Established early in the century the school served to “train the trainers” of the army in rifle shooting, and you can see from the inset the various types […]

  • My Whitworth Article in Civil War Times

    My article on Sir Joseph Whitworth is out in the new issue of Civil War Times. It’s a very much expanded version of a post I did a couple of years ago and delves more into the man’s prickly personality as well as his rifles and other accomplishments. I mention but do not really get […]

  • Short Takes

    The militia is gathering here in NC. No, it’s not those weird guys in camo, it’s a group reenacting the historic North Carolina militia. The Zebulon B. Vance Birthplace State Historic Site is hosting the annual fall militia encampment Saturday and Sunday. The event, which has happened in one form or another at the site […]

  • IUP Sale Reminder

    Just a quick reminder that the Indiana University Press book sale is today. With 60% off all books not already on sale and free shipping on orders over $25 it’s well worth a look, especially the Civil War section. One day only and the discount code is SIXTY.

  • Ground Zero Confederates

    Last week the venerable New York Times weighed in on the Ground Zero Mosque controversy (it favors its construction) oddly enough by invoking the spirit of reconciliation between North and South after the Late Unpleasantness. The country often has had the wisdom to choose graciousness and reconciliation over triumphalism, as is plain from the many […]

  • Short Takes

    The Indiana University Press is having a sale next Wednesday, Sept. 15, with 60% off all books not already on sale, so it’s definitely worth a look, especially at the Civil War section. One day only and the discount code is SIXTY. From a letter sent to our local Civil War Round Table: The Sixth […]

  • Short Takes

    UPDATE II: has a special on Ken Burns’ Civil War documentary—less than forty bucks today only! UPDATE: I watched an interview on After Words with David Kilcullen, a former Australian soldier and counterinsurgency adviser to US commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan on C-SPAN last night. It’s definitely worth watching not only for what’s going […]