Jim Miller over at Civil War Notebook has posted his entire Civil War Non-Fiction book collection online. I’ve been in the process of cataloging my own collection lately, except I’ve been using Excel instead of Word. I’ve uploaded the file to the web, but I still have maybe 150 books to go, almost all of which I’ve already read. I’d be interested in seeing the book collections of other Civil War bloggers as well, especially if you already have them cataloged in some easy to upload and view format. Like Jim, I’ll be slowly adding the missing books along with any new ones which come in. Take a look and recommend any you think I should have but don’t.
In addition to the books, I have complete runs of Civil War Times Illustrated (through the bound volumes, however), America’s Civil War, North & South, Blue & Gray, Columbiad, and Civil War Regiments. I am working on Civil War History from Kent State and Civil War, but these two are more scarce than the others. If anyone is looking to offload copies of those two magazines, I’d be interested in a purchase or an exchange as I have about 20 duplicate copies of the various magazines I own.
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