Brett’s Civil War Book Collection

Jim Miller over at Civil War Notebook has posted his entire Civil War Non-Fiction book collection online. I’ve been in the process of cataloging my own collection lately, except I’ve been using Excel instead of Word. I’ve uploaded the file to the web, but I still have maybe 150 books to go, almost all of which I’ve already read. I’d be interested in seeing the book collections of other Civil War bloggers as well, especially if you already have them cataloged in some easy to upload and view format. Like Jim, I’ll be slowly adding the missing books along with any new ones which come in. Take a look and recommend any you think I should have but don’t.

In addition to the books, I have complete runs of Civil War Times Illustrated (through the bound volumes, however), America’s Civil War, North & South, Blue & Gray, Columbiad, and Civil War Regiments.  I am working on Civil War History from Kent State and Civil War, but these two are more scarce than the others.  If anyone is looking to offload copies of those two magazines, I’d be interested in a purchase or an exchange as I have about 20 duplicate copies of the various magazines I own.






7 responses to “Brett’s Civil War Book Collection”

  1. Larry Freiheit Avatar
    Larry Freiheit


    I have the following dups of Civil War History for trade:

    Vol. VI, no. 1, March 1960
    no. 2, June 1960
    no. 3, Sept. 1960

    Vol. 11, no. 1, March 1965
    no. 2, June 1965
    no. 3, Sept. 1965

    Vol. 12, no. 1, March 1966
    no. 2, June 1966
    no. 3, Sept. 1966
    no. 4, Dec. 1966

    Vol. 13, no. 1, March 1967
    no. 2, June 1967
    no. 3, Sept. 1967
    no. 4, Dec. 1967

    Vol. 14, no. 1, March 1968
    no. 2, June 1968
    no. 3, Sept. 1968
    no. 4, Dec. 1968

    Vol. 15, no. 1, March 1969

    Vol. 33, no. 2, June 1987.

    Conditions range from good to fair.

    Larry Freiheit

  2. Jim Miller Avatar

    Brett, Thanks for the mention. I’m also currently working on cataloging my Civil War fiction library, and would you beleive I have also kept a “Reading Log” since 2001. I will hopefully have both posted soon.

  3. elektratig Avatar


    Have you seen I wasn’t energetic or obsessive enough to catalog everything from scratch. Librarything is a great shortcut. I’m not affiliated!

  4. admin Avatar

    I have not. I was aware of a lot of book cataloging software out there but never got around to checking this out. I’ll have to do so. Thanks for pointing it out!


  5. Drew W. Avatar

    I wasted a whole rainy Saturday a short while back trying out the various free book cataloging software. They all had something that annoyed me enough to not want to use it. IIRC, Librarything, as mentioned by elektratig looked interesting, but is only free for the first 200 books. I am holding off, but I suppose Excel is as good as anything…unless you want to pay. There are some good ones that automatically fill out a good profile just from the ISBN.

  6. Leon Hertzson Avatar

    Help please, I just found a set of “The Photographic History of the Civil War” 1911 first edition by Miller and I have all but volume 4. Interior condition is very good but the covers are badly worn. I think that I would like to sell the 9 books and I need some advice as to how to proceed. Thanks for your time and information.

  7. admin Avatar


    I’d like to help but I’m not really a rare book collector. I’d ask someone like Paul Taylor at With Sword and Pen:

    Alternatively, you might contact someone like Broadfoot Publishing as well:


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