After my absence from blogging for several months, I was browsing through billyyank1864’s new Civil War blog The Blood of My Kindred intending to welcome him to the Civil War blogosphere (which I did, and welcome again billyyank1864!), when I came across a link to a blog with a really, really interesting format. WW1: Experiences of an English Soldier follows the letters of British Private William Henry Bonser “Harry “Lamin, with blog posts appearing 90 years to the day after the letters were written. Harry’s fate has not yet been revealed, so many readers are anxiously following along wondering what will become of the blog’s main subject.
As mine is a Civil War blog, readers probably know where I’m going with this. I think the idea for this blog would translate extremely well to the multitude of Civil War letters and diaries out there and would certainly be unique a unique blog within the existing Civil War blogosphere. Copyright issues and some other hurdles might need to be overcome, but I hope we see something like this soon for our war of choice. It would definitely be a departure from the generally “military history heavy” flavor most of our blogs bring to the table.
EDIT: The link to the blog, the most important part, has been corrected!
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