Hello and welcome to our brand new Civil War group blog, TOCWOC (The Order of Civil War Obsessively Compulsed)! The purpose of this blog is to bring together a large group of Civil War “amateurs”, those of us who do not study the war as our day job (not just yet anyway!), who have a wide and varying view of the Civil War. We hope to cater to all Civil War buffs in some way, shape, or form, no matter how you study this great and terrible conflict. Our ranks will include published authors, editors, teachers, talking heads on TV, a member of the North-South Skirmish Association, former and current bloggers, and sundry other forms of buffs! We hope to cover the social, political, and military aspects of the Civil War thoroughly in this new blog, and who knows, we may even learn a little something from each other along the way!
Brett Schulte
September 12, 2007
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