Note: Due to space constraints, I plan to include the first posts of various AARs from the Matric Games forums and then provide a link to the rest of the story. Hard Sarge was the first poster to allow me to post his AAR on the site, so his “Oh My AAR” will be the first AAR listed here.
Hard Sarge writes:
Well, now this is something I am not used to
first turn, I did well, but lost the last battle in a close run fight, but the Army of Kentucky was able to drive back my small Div, but I held Wheeling
good battle in the West, saves Tenn-Miss Area
Kentucky joins the Union early
Lee is slow in moveing, but finally moves and I take Cumberland, and steal the fort
so, I am losing
then winter sets in
the Army of Kentucky is in Parkersburg, and Lee is in Grafton, Walker has a weak Div in Wheeling, and the Union has started to move in the West
I shift Lee around Parkersburg and move into Wheeling (not the best idea, but I still got a retreat route
the West I move to engage, but the rest of the Armies of the West move in, so back off
the Union has been able to combine, and are too strong in there lands, and pretty dang strong on the attack too ?
what to do
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