Month: August 2006
Plans for the Alabama
A very nice site on the CSS Alabama, including the original construction plans and much else on that fabled warship. Put up by the W. S. Hoole Library at the University of Alabama.
The Antietam Anomaly
In my last entry I discussed “Bull” Sumner’s attack on the West Woods and what went wrong, and why he ended up attacking with a single division instead of the three he had available. Here I want to consider one of the mysteries of the battle — why did two-thirds of II Corps suddenly angle […]
Disaster in the West Woods
Thanks to Brett I recently picked up a nice little battle monograph – Disaster in the West Woods, General Edwin V. Sumner and the II Corps at Antietam, by Marion V. Armstrong (Western Maryland Interpretive Association 2002). At 77 pages it’s short, but a worthwhile read for anyone interested in Antietam. Right now it’s on […]
Today in the Petersburg Campaign: August 5, 1864
August 5, 1864 Skirmish at Cabin Point, VA, the Richmond, VA, Campaign. The explosion of a Confederate mine in front of the 18th US Army Corps, the Richmond, VA, Campaign. Note: All “Today In The Petersburg Campaign” blog entries are used with permission from Ronald A. Mosocco’s Chronological Tracking of the American Civil War per […]
Today in the Petersburg Campaign: August 4, 1864
August 4, 1864 Action at Harrison’s Landing, VA, the Richmond, VA, Campaign. Note: All “Today In The Petersburg Campaign” blog entries are used with permission from Ronald A. Mosocco’s Chronological Tracking of the American Civil War per the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion. Order the book HERE. Copyright © 1993, 1994 by […]
Amazon Book Stats
I took a look at the entry has for my book, and I see they’ve added some new features related to their Search Inside add-in. In addition to selected pages, they now have a concordance of the 100 most frequently used words (not surprisingly, the most common word is sharpshooter). It also has a […]