The Historical Miniatures Gaming Society will host its annual Historicon miniatures gaming convention in historical Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from July 20 – 23, 2006. The convention will be held as usual at the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center on U.S. Route 30 just east of the city of Lancaster, in the heart of the Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch tourist area. Browsing the gaming area is FREE, although a small admission charge is collected in order to participate in the games or visit the dealer hall.
Historicon always attracts some of the very best in tabletop gaming displays, with spectacular scenery, colorfully painted troops, and the latest in gaming design and scenarios. Usually there are 20 – 30 Civil War games, some years quite a bit more. They range from skirmish level infantry games to brigade level games, as well as naval, combined arms, cavalry, and other scenarios.
For more information, visit
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