Month: June 2006

  • American Target Rifles

    As promised, today I

  • Harpers Ferry Arsenal Updated

    The Harpers Ferry Arsenal, my fan site for Mad Minute Games’ Take Command series of Civil War computer games, sees another update today. The latest mods are: 1. Updated jackfox’s Wilson’s Creek OOB in the TC2M OOBs area 2. Added jackfox’s Shiloh OOBs in the TC2M OOBs area 3. Updated Greyman’s Ver2-Lo-Res Mod in the […]

  • Today In The Petersburg Campaign

    June 3, 1864 Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, USA, loses about 7,000 men in less than an hour trying two frontal assaults on the entrenched Confederate lines at Cold Harbor. Grant, refusing defeat, does not negotiate a truce until June 7th to send rescue parties to help the wounded on the battlefield, resulting in further […]

  • Southern Boots and Saddles

    Having been on the road in Virginia, I haven’t had much opportunity to blog, which I hope to make up for in the next couple of weeks. Upcoming posts will include lots of information about the accuracy of various types of period rifles, and as we will see they did right well. Today, though, I […]

  • Civil War Talk Radio: June 2, 2006

    Air Date: 060206 Subject: Fergus M. Bordewich: Bound for Canaan on the Underground Railroad Book:  Bound For Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America Guest: Fergus M. Bordewich Summary: One of the paths that led to the Civil War was a hidden one: the Underground Railroad. Fergus M. Bordewich, author […]

  • Today In The Petersburg Campaign

    June 2, 1864 Brig. Gen. George Pierce Doles, CSA, is mortally wounded near Bethesda Church, VA, killed instantly by a Union sharpshooter, while inspecting his troops’ entrenchment lines. Affair at Covington, VA, with Brig. Gen. William E. "Grumble" Jones, CSA, pitted against Maj. Gen. David Hunter, USA; Jones is destined to die 3 days later. […]

  • Harpers Ferry Arsenal Updated

    We have out first Toolbar mod for TC2M. It’s the latest update at the HFA. Chris “Wolfe” Hare has created the mod, and it is located in the TC2M Toolbar section.