I’ve fallen WAY behind as far as placing my Civil War book collection online goes. With that in mind, I started to make a dent in the problem tonight before I head out on the town. I had around 220 books online and just glancing over the new books, there are almost that many which are NOT online. I added a brand new Unit Histories section to the site and placed 24 of my unit histories in that area. I have quite a few more to go just in that section alone. I hope to add about 35 more books over the weekend (with several times that number not even touched yet), and I still need to pull the unit histories I already had online in other categories and place them in their new home. My hope is to get all of my newer books online over the next two to three weeks, so if you’re curious as to what type of collection I’ve put together, be sure to check it out.
My Civil War Books Page Updated
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