Since this is a blog focusing on military things, albeit over 140 years ago, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on those in my own family who have served their country, one of whom also gave his life in the line of duty. My Dad’s favorite uncle Joe was killed in the Korean conflict when the plane he was on collided with another plane in mid-air. His family was devastated, but they accepted the loss with difficulty. By all accounts, my Great-Uncle was an outgoing, gregarious guy. I wish I’d have had the chance to meet him.
And although Memorial Day is meant mainly to remember those who have lost their lives in active duty, I also want to mention my Great-Grandfather George and his son, my Grandfather Leo. Veterans of World War I and World War II respectively, both men survived and went on to long and prosperous lives. I never met my Great-Grandpa. He died in 1971, seven years before I was born. I did know my Grandpa for a long time, as he just passed away last summer. Leo was a survivor of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and I only heard a few stories from him before he passed. He once mentioned that he was moving along (I’m not sure where) with a man to his left and a man to his right. Suddenly a Japanese plane came over a ridge and strafed them. They all hit the deck, and when my Grandpa looked up, he was the only one who survived. I regret not asking him about his service to this country more now that he is gone.
And lastly, please keep the men and women who have already died in the line of duty in our current war in your thoughts this weekend and going forward. You may not like the reasons for this war, but everyone should support those in the army who are daily putting their lives on the line for the rest of us.