As a daily reader of Dimitri Rotov’s blog, I find his attempts to make people aware of the fallacies of the “Centennial View” of Civil War history endlessly fascinating. Mr. Rotov appeared on Civil War Radio on Friday, October 22. He discusses his blog and the state of Civil War reading and publishing.
Drew Wagenhoffer meanwhile gives us a nice four-part overview of the best books on the Civil War in the Southwest.
Eric Wittenberg had a very interesting post the other day on his book pet peeves. I find that I share a lot of his ideas about what makes a good Civil War book.
Mike Koepke points out an interesting series of articles on why the South lost the war.
I read every one of these blogs on a pretty much daily basis and I encourage readers of my blog to do the same. I get the feeling that most of you probably do anyway.
Check out Brett’s list of the Top 10 Civil War Blogs!
Read many Civil War Book Reviews here at TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog!
Check out Beyond the Crater: The Petersburg Campaign Online for the latest on the Siege of Petersburg!
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