Two more gentlemen whose opinions I highly value have agreed to possibly add guest content in the future.
First is Drew Wagenhoffer, who is a game designer for HPS Simulations. Drew has done three Civil War games for HPS, including Campaign Corinth, Campaign Ozark, and Campaign Peninsula. I’m an uncompensated playtester for HPS, so I’ve gotten to “know” Drew pretty well via email. You might also want to check out the interviews I conducted with him for Corinth, Ozark, and Peninsula over at the American Civil War Campaign Games Design Center.
Second is David Cross, the author of A Melancholy Affair: The Vermont Brigade, June 23, 1864. David has a website promoting the book entitled A Melancholy Affair At The Weldon Railroad. The book focuses on the Vermont Brigade of Wright’s VI Corps during the First Battle at the Weldon Railroad (aka The Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road), which was fought from June 21-24, 1864 during Grant’s Second Offensive against the city of Petersburg. The Vermonters found themselves cut off from their main lines on June 23 and most were captured and ultimately sent to Andersonville. Although I don’t yet own a copy, I plan to make it a part of my next ACW purchase at Amazon. The book is currently available both at Amazon and from White Main Publishing Company. I’m a huge fan of the Petersburg Campaign, so you will probably see me highlighting a lot of books and authors which focus on that area in the future.
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